• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023


  • dfyx@lemmy.helios42.detoRPGMemes @ttrpg.networkAnd I love it every time
    8 months ago

    My longest “one shot” ever ended up taking 52 sessions over a little more than two years. What started as a very simple local festival where the party tried to win a cooking competition led to (not in order):

    • one of the largest inns in town burned to the ground
    • one party member pregnant with twins from two different fathers (one of them a different party member)
    • at least six assistants of one of the other chefs dead by the hand of the one party member that has the worst combat skills
    • the same party member killing a local merchant with a single punch in the face after he was accused of stealing when the thief was really a different party member (the pregnant one)
    • one party member waking up in the Empress’ bed with a black rose on the pillow next to him
    • one supernatural STD sent by the goddess of (essentially) sex, drugs and rock & roll ravaging the whole barony
    • the one session where they visited said goddess’ temple being the only occasion where they were super PG-13

    I know at least one of my players reads this community so feel free to add anything that I may have missed.

  • Plus people apparently don’t know what „algorithm“ means. Sorting by average rating is an algorithm. Filtering by genre is an algorithm. Anything that takes an input (a database of books), performs a discrete set of steps and produces an output (an ordered list of books) is an algorithm. Even if it’s not performed by a computer but yourself standing in front of your bookshelf.

  • Try if they charge. If yes, delete whatever data you find on them, then bring them to a recycling center. If no, think for a moment if you are important enough for someone to repair a phone just to get your data from ten years ago. Unless you have high security clearance for the government or a really large company, the answer is probably no. There are easier ways to get more current information about you.

  • From reading your comments, I get the feeling you’re not being „suppressed“ for what you say but how you say it. On most platforms, you are very welcome to talk about the topics you mention but you’re not welcome to be rude.

    Now, you mention that you are not from the US and I assume that English isn’t your native language (it isn’t mine either) so this might be kind of a language barrier that leads to misunderstandings. Do yourself a favor and re-read your comments before you send them. Avoid excessively long sentences, avoid accusations, avoid swear words. This will make you sound a lot less aggressive and sarcastic and people will be a lot more open to discuss with you even if they disagree with you.

  • Mostly practical reasons probably. In the movies, Twi‘lek were background characters. Visible for a few scenes each with not much to do.

    Now you have characters who are on screen and therefore on set for a lot longer and have to do more action scenes. Having long and wobbly lekku would be pretty exhausting for the actors and in the worst case they‘d get in the way so much that they would have to reshoot scenes until they behave as expected.