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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 17th, 2023


  • Misleading title. There’s a big difference between recognizing the right to exist of a country vs “supporting” a country.

    That said, I also think there’s a big difference between recognizing the right to exist of a country and the right to exist of a people. Human rights is one thing, but I don’t think requiring agreement on international politics should be required for citizenship. I don’t support a lot of things the US does, so I don’t think that should be a requirement for citizenship.

  • I see a big difference between Russia (one of the world’s largest armies who has invaded Ukraine and Georgia in very recent times) possibly invading a country without any mutual defense treaty, and Venezuela (who hasn’t been in any type of war since the civil wars in the early 1900s) invading a country with a mutual defense treaty with the US. Brazil has already mobilized troops on their border with Venezuela. EDIT: I can’t find whether they still have a mutual defense treaty with the US. They aren’t part of the Rio Pact.

    I was not one of the people saying “nothing is going to happen” on Reddit about Ukraine. After Crimea and Georgia, I didn’t doubt Putin would do something.

  • Appropriate username with this post.

    If you want to use the couples therapy analogy, it would be more like you were forced into an arranged marriage with an abusive person, then you got forcefully divorced and remarried, then divorced again and your first ex-spouse started beating you (again) and trying to remarry you, then after decades of separation that ex-ex is now forcing you at gun point to go to couples therapy because they don’t want you to keep the property you got in the divorce settlement.

    If you want to talk about the yankees, it would be more like the south successfully seceded but later decided they wanted to start a war to be one country again.