• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 11th, 2023


  • (Possible Minor Spoilers ahead)

    I’ve half played more games than I’ve finished, but I had a decent enough track record this year, mostly with indie games. In no particular order:

    Collapsed to not take up too much space
    • Hollow Knight - Was a replay, but I got all the way to the Complete Soul achievement, which I’m proud of.

    • Deathloop - Interesting game. I really enjoyed the Groundhog Day style mechanics and had fun achievement hunting.

    • Pineapple on Pizza - Not much of a challenge to finish, but it stuck out to me as an interesting play. Very short, interesting game.

    • Kingdom Eighties - Bounced of the other Kingdom games for various reasons, but this one really caught my interest. The 80s aesthetic and “Kids fighting monsters” story really appealed to me.

    • Beholder 1 & 3 - Interesting games. Didn’t enjoy 2 enough to finish it.

    • Dead Rising 4 - After hearing so much hyperbole about how bad this one was, I decided to finally get around to playing it and, while it was definitely not as interesting or fun to play as DR 2 for me, it was fine. After reading up on some of the dev history behind it, its foibles are pretty understandable, imo.

    • Marvel’s Spider-Man & Miles Morales - Fun games. I have my own complaints about them here and there, but having been a huge fan of the PS2 Spider-Man 2 game, I’m just happy to have a modern web slinger game in an open world. Eager to play the sequel if it ever gets ported to PC.

    • Dredge - Fun little indie fishing game. Short, but just long enough for my attention span with games.

    • Dave the Diver - Same comments as Dredge, with the additional critique that, while the plethora of mini-games within it are interesting, some feel like they’re just there to add more onto it. Interested to see what the Dredge combo-DLC entails.

    • Resident Evil VII - Not usually a fan of horror games, but this one toed the line just enough to not over-spook me out of it. Having seen some playthroughs, I wasn’t too surprised by anything, but it was fun to playthrough myself.

    • Factorio - Put this one off for a long time because it looked too “technical” to appeal to me, but I decided to give it a shot as a different kind of survival sim and got hooked. I didn’t go too deep with it, but I did finish the story missions and might hop back in when the big update comes out, which looks interesting.

    • Power Wash Sim - “Completing” it is a bit of a stretch, but I did finish all the missions. Interesting, mindless little game. Funny to say that I enjoyed a cleaning game, hah.

    • Pikmin 4 - Never had the chance to play any of the other Pikmin games, but I did enjoy this one. My only real complaint is that, for a game that has the player unlocking abilities up to the very end, it could really do with a New Game+ mode because all that effort felt like a bit of a waste since there’s not really anything to do after getting everything unlocked.

    • Grounded - Played this one while it was in beta and thought it was pretty neat. Decided to give it another go now that it’s complete and really enjoyed it. Fun little crafting-survival game with surprisingly complex combat. Probably not a great game for anyone that’s doesn’t do well with insects.

    • LotR: Return to Moria - More intrigued by the setting than anything, this game was fine enough. To be honest, the gameplay wasn’t particularly great and it had so many bugs, but I did finish it through all of that.

    • Heretic’s Fork - For a combo of genre’s that I generally just avoid (deckbuilders and tower defense), this was pretty enjoyable. Not a super long game to get through, and good to just hop on and get a few runs in.