• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • You’re talking about XMPP, and it was google with google chat that people refer to with it.

    That said, there’s a lot of details that story people throw around about google killing it that lacks some details. Specifically that the premier service that used and developed the standard, jabber, was acquired by cisco like 8 years before google supposedly killed it, which i would argue affected it far harder than google chat did.

    It’s also lacking a lot of modern features that were becoming staple around the time that it was killed; i.e. QoS, assured delivery, read receipts, and a few other things. I still don’t think the protocol supports them.

    Also, the protocol still exists and is used. It’s used by microsoft in skype for business, it’s also the IM protocol for lots of gaming platforms like origin, playstation, the switch (for its push notifications for their online service), League of legends, fortnite, and others. It’s still a reasonably popular standard when it comes to chat programs, though none of them that i’m aware of use the actual federation piece of it to talk to each other.

    While the tactic alluded to does exist (“embrace, extend, extinguish”), i’ve never been necessarily convinced that google “kiled” xmpp, as its been around a long time and continues to be for various reasons. Even with google chat, it was never a ‘front end’ thing many users even thought about, because it’s back end frameworks tech, and it continues to be so in lots of different places today. I’m reasonably sure that the people who get upset about it and proclaim google killed it are basically just upset that it didn’t become the defacto chat standard today, which i would argue almost nothing is the defacto standard anyways, unless you count discord which kinda came out of nowhere like a whirlwind and took over the chat space and has nothing to do with any XMPP drama.

    Ultimately, its up to you (whoever is reading this) to look into the facts of the matter and decide for yourself if that’s what really happened, but keep in mind, the people who usually repeat the anecdote about how google killed it have an agenda to push. I’m personally skeptical, because there’s reasons for google to have dropped it (see mentioned limitations above), and even back then, it wasn’t that outrageously popular. In fact, i would argue its more widely used today than it was back then, but i have no hard numbers on that.

  • FWIW: Temp bans are frequently used as a “warning” both within lemmy moderation and on reddit. Not saying everywhere does it, but its a pretty common practice. I assume that’s what the above ban was for, along with the note that was basically “please don’t post porn”.

    One key difference, though, is that the lemmy moderation action does not create a message that goes to the user and opens a dialogue like it does on reddit. For whatever reason, lemmy users are expected to go check the mod logs when their stuff gets moderated, rather than a message being sent to them. This is expected behavior of the software, which feels really weird/wrong to me, but it is what it is.

    As far as this particular moderation action goes: my stance as an admin is that mods of the communities are allowed to moderate their community as they see fit, so i have no real opinion one way or the other here on if that should be allowed or not.

  • SSO is basically offloading your authentication to a trusted third party. Instead of having the user set up an account with a password in your system, you instead go “hey Google/Microsoft/okta/whatever, do you know this guy?”.

    In theory it doesn’t have to be an email address, just any sort of account with said third party, email is just usually the standard to go with.

  • I have mediacom as well, but in a larger city of the midwest. They have datacaps here too, and i was paying about $100 for exactly this same plan up until a couple years ago. They started upgrading our speeds/caps because a new fiber company (metronet) is building in the area. Now i’m on 1 gbps down and a 4 TB cap. I still plan to switch to metronet when they finally light up my area, as its cheaper for the same speeds (plus no data caps)