• 3 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 3rd, 2023

  • Don’t learn Docker, learn containers. Docker is merely one of the first runtimes, and a rather shit one at that (it’s a bunch of half-baked projects - container signing as one major example).

    Learn Kubernetes, k3s is probably a good place to start. Docker-compose is simply a proprietary and poorly designed version of it. If you know Kubernetes, you’ll quickly be able to pick up docker-compose if you ever need to.

    You can use buildah bud (part of the Podman ecosystem) to build containerfiles (exactly the same thing as dockerfiles without the trademark). Buildah can also be used without containerfiles (your containerfiles simply becomes a script in the language of your choice - e.g. bash), which is far more versatile. Speaking of Podman, if you want to keep things really simple you can manually create a bunch of containers in a pod and then ask Podman to create a set of systemd units for you. Podman supports nearly all of what docker does (with exception to docker’s bjorked signing) and has identical command line syntax. Podman can also host a docker-compatible socket if you need to use it with something that really wants docker.

    I’m personally a big fan of Podman, but I’m also a fan of anything that isn’t Docker: LXD is another popular runtime, and containerd is (IIRC) the runtime underpinning docker. There’s also firecracker or kubevirt, which go full circle and let you manage tiny VMs like containers.

  • I recently switched away from the Legion 5 15ARH05: AMD APU+NVIDIA. The thing with laptops is that you are at the mercy of the system integrator. They are able to integrate the GPU in weird ways and often do. For me the external monitor wouldn’t work without the proprietary NVIDIA drivers installed. The NVIDIA drivers caused all sorts of problems, from backlight woes to failure to resume from standby (which worked fine without the drivers installed).

    If you do go with an NVIDIA machine, go with one that is built for Linux. I switched to an all AMD (I really don’t want to deal with NVIDIA bullshit) System76, but I hear their NVIDIA story is pretty good.

    Do not buy a Windows+NVIDIA laptop and put Linux on it - unless you get a glowing recommendation for a specific model.

    You should install the open source System76 modules for the best experience (not required): https://github.com/NixOS/nixos-hardware