• 2 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 6th, 2023


  • i would never bother with anything that i consider to be highly secure over any clearnet service. but for keeping advertisers out of my messages or just run of the mill dragnets, or spot-censorship (like how facebook or others forbid certain links), i think deltachat is a really reasonable solution.

    but to this point:

    , it is inadvisable for privacy to keep data (even in an encrypted form) on a server post delivery.

    deltachat has an option to delete server-side.

  • they make a lot of promises about security, but email can truthfully only reach a certain level of security. the comment from @RTRedreovic@feddit.ch shows weaknesses in relying in protonmail to protect various aspects of your communications, but they sell themselves as TOTALLY SECURE.

    the lady doth protest too much.

    so they’re no more secure than, say, google, when you implement your own e2ee on top of email with PGP or something. but the promises of enhanced security actually set people up to expect more than that. coupled with the fact that they don’t even let you use imap or pop, it’s not exactly a hacker’s dream service.