• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • It looks pretty, but IMO one of the selling points of zsh is that it allows async updating of the prompt, allowing you to use slow commands like “git status” without adding a delay every time the prompt needs to be printed.

    E.g. the default prompt from prezto is quite light and responsive, but when inside a git repo adds the info on the right side (shows when you have commits ahead/behind the remote branch, stashes, modified/deleted/added/staged files, etc) when that becomes available.


    Didn’t look like any of the example themes on ohmyposh.dev had the $RPROMPT stuff, which I guess would be difficult support for a cross-shell theming engine.

  • I also use KDE because I like customizing my DE, but I’m not sure I agree that it’s hard to break. When I just switched from Xfce to KDE I downloaded several global themes using the built-it theme browser, and a few of those definitely messed things up. It’s also happened more than once that I boot my computer and end up with only the desktop background (i.e. no panels or context menu) because KDE thought there was some wrong with the theme, which can be difficult to recover from for someone who doesn’t know how to ctrl-alt-F3 and edit settings manually. Though it’s ofc. more stable when not testing global themes, and only changing other appearance settings.

  • Based on the comments here, it sounds like you and others agree that the majority of people who responded to your initial post didn’t do anything wrong, but you thought the overall experience was negative due to a few mean comments, right? So with this meme post, you portray the entire community as a bloodthirsty mob who got angry at you for asking a question. Do you see how this could be considered “not nice” to the people who wrote helpful comments, those who downvoted the negative comments, and people who didn’t even see your post but are still included in the ergo mech community here? While those who wrote mean comments to your post should consider being kinder to newbies, perhaps you ought to consider being kinder to everybody else.

  • It’s only a wild guess, though I have seen similar issues in other projects :), but I thought it might be worth reporting it to the developer in case it’s a just a bug. I love FOSS, it’s so satisfying being able to fix (some of) my own issues instead of having to hope that the closed source devs have time and motivation to fix it for you. SteamVR for Linux is one of those projects that feel like it could be so much better if they could open source it…

  • I could hardlink folders from one user to another

    I don’t think you could, afaik hardlinks are only allowed for files. You might be able to something similar with a bind mount though.

    Personally I keep those kind of folders outside a single user’s home dir. On one computer I have /home/Shared (not a real user, I just put the folder there… no idea if it’s a bad idea, but noone else is going to be creating users on that computer anyway).

  • This is the first time I’m hearing about this, but this is how they describe it on their product page:

    The AI-Powered Future of Windows Devices

    Build, explore, and immerse yourself on select laptops with Ryzen™ AI built in. With dedicated AI accelerator hardware seamlessly integrated on-chip and software that intelligently optimizes tasks and workloads, CPU and GPU resources are freed up to enable optimal performance.

    But based on the examples they have on github, it sounds like it might be useful to run generic AI compute stuff. I haven’t seen any details about what memory it uses, since especially LLMs require large amounts of fast memory. If it can use all the system RAM it might provide medium-fast inference of decent models, similar to M1/M2 Macs. If it has dedicated RAM it’ll probably be even faster but possibly extremely limited in what you can do with it.