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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Millennials can have a little radicalization of the youth, as a treat.

    I mean, I’ve moved further left the older I’ve gotten, so I’m on board with encouraging the next generations to recognize exploitative systems and to stand up for themselves. I wish a lot of us had figured that out sooner instead of so many buying into the narrative we were fed about college being practically mandatory with the promise of good things at the end of the rainbow and then being told we’re entitled when we point out the massive rug pull that shit was.

  • I just tell people upfront that I’m not the person for them if they want someone who wants to talk constantly, especially via text. I don’t have the energy for it, especially with my current job being so social, and I know I need someone equally independent for there to be any chance of a relationship. Other people like that exist - my ex and I used to spend a ton of time in the same room, gaming or watching movies or whatever, and we’d only talk occasionally. We were content to be with each other but doing our own thing. We didn’t work out for other reasons, but that part was always good.

    Anyway, I think it’s helpful to weed out people ahead of time. Not in a negative way, because a shitty attitude will ruin your chances with most people, but just in the way of, “this is my communication style, looking for someone compatible with that.”

  • I would love to cancel it. I almost never watch it and there’s nothing I do watch that I couldn’t live without. Unfortunately, my mom does watch it constantly, and she’d just sign up for her own account if I got rid of mine, so in the interest of keeping her bills down, I’m kind of stuck. At least I got her to dump Hulu’s outrageously overpriced live tv option, so I got that going for me.

  • A middle aged person saying, “I would rather retire young and do things that are important to me before those things are no longer possible, instead of spending another 30 years working my ass off hoping I’m financially and physically capable of doing anything at the end and that the world isn’t literally on fire” is hardly the same as a 20-something doing a bunch of drugs, but sure. Silent mediation. That’ll solve global warming and capitalism.