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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023


  • grrk@lemmy.ml
    toNo Stupid Questions@lemmy.worlddo computers conspire?
    9 months ago

    No. Ai cannot “think” any of its own original “thoughts”, it’s usually trained on LOTS AND LOTS of human generated text / data and uses highly complex algorithms to generate it’s response to whatever human input is given as a prompt.

    If it can’t generate it’s own original thoughts, it can’t conspire on its own.

    If i had to guess what the conspiracy theories are about, it’d be related to more recent ai models being trained/created with ai generated text/data. The mere existence of the “rokos basilisk” thought experiment is probably a common starting point / “core” of a lot of whatever zany ai conspiracy theories are floating about. They’ve been floating around for a long time before chatGPT got popular, but chatGPT and other ais all becoming more popular could only ever further increase the amount of ai related conspiracy theories.

    Conspiracy theories and other similar distrusts of new technologies is actually pretty common throughout history, so this is basically just a continuation of that historical trend.

  • This fucking infuriates me whenever i dont have an adblocker available. Since my connection speed is sub par, buffering is frequent unless it’s at a low quality. So to watch a video without buffering, i gotta set the video to low quality (240-480p) only for A FUCKING 1080P UNSKIPPABLE AD TO JUST CUT IN AND PLAY PERFECTLY FOR 15 SECONDS before casually dropping me back down to 360p, only after buffering once more when the ad ends before the fucking video finally resumes

  • Im actually gonna try to double down on this recommendation after re-reading that you also have joint issues. Step 1 of each of the ‘big 6’ is picked with this issue in mind and tend to describe them as good “therapy” excercises for people recovering from injury/surgery/illness/etc.

    I’m not saying this guarantees you’ll be able to work up to one armed push ups (im still mountains away from that feat myself) but if regaining joint strength/durability is one of your main areas of focus, id very strongly recommend at least skimming through the 1st step or 2 in each of the big 6.

    It’s also got a chapter on self coaching, which ive found very useful to revisit every now and then

  • I’d recommend ‘convict conditioning’ by Paul Wade. Free pdf / epub is easy enough to find with a quick search. The book does a better job of describing itself than i can, but basically it details 6 “power moves” (push up, squat, etc) and 10 steps within each move-set, 1 being the easiest/introductory exercise and 10 being the ‘mastery’ of the movement. I.e for push ups- step 1 is wall push ups and step 10 is one armed push ups.