Gifted Autistic Sysadmin, Anti-Corporate activist

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  • 33 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: October 23rd, 2023


  • Today must be troll day, honestly.

    So, I absolutely meant what I said and giving everyone a chance means exactly that, child molesters, murderers, you name it. You cant deal with that? Then you should choose your words more carefully. It is exactly where we have a problem in our society. People want all of it at once, right now, for free. Sorry, you cant get it. You cant have a space where children can run around and give peeps who have bad tendencies a chance at the same time. The same goes for nazis. You cant give them a chance and have minorities feel safe at the same time. I chose my side a long time ago. I will always protect minorities and will always speak truth to power.

    And as I said, I‘m not blaming you for seeing it different. I‘m not making fun of you. Am I surprised? Absolutely! Am I disappointed? Very much so! But I‘m not saying youre dumb or an asshole or anything because I think you‘re entitled to your own opinion. But you’re not safe from me telling you that it has bad implications.

    Now I have invested far more time into this convo than I would have liked. You can take my well meaning explanation and go or you can go on being mad about someone calling out the flaw in your logic. Your choice. Good bye.

  • But it isnt. Using bots and in the case of meta automatic account creation is the reason the have 100 mil „users“.

    The „thing“ we need to fight is greed and people who say all hope is lost are on the side of greed.

    Its actually not that many bad actors. The vast majority is passive. The EU is already putting up a good fight and we can do similar.

    Don’t think its possible? No problem. Have a good day. :)

  • I am pretty baffled at how genius your questions are. This is exactly what I was hoping to achieve. Spark discussion and ideas.

    Rn, my motivation behind the user number is that no single corporation or entity can flood a democratic system, which is by definition then immediately under their control, provided their users are agreeing or being influenced which we have seen time and time again. This is why a large entity would need to break their instances down into smaller instances to avoid this and would need to put them under different management. Same as with the EUs anti monopoly laws. I suppose there could be alternatives. Anyone should feel free to propose them.

    Again, an excellent question. I have only thought as far as „this post has been powered by meta, get an account at“ and so on… obviously, there are less overt ways of doing this but for swiftness sake I‘d start with obvious ones and take them out, leave the others until a very good proposal is forming.

    The motivation against altering the protocol alone is to keep EEE attacks from happening. So, they can propose a change for all, keep to the agreed solution or leave, imo. That way they are encouraged to argue and not just do their thing. One could say if its open source its still okay bit proprietary is absolute no go.

    And yes, I agree full. Feel free to write your own ideas of motivations down so we can discuss them. :)

  • Same answer as before. We would need to find solutions for this as well, together. Thats how teamwork is done.

    I‘d say something automatic for things that are pure numbers like the member count. A server is running dozens of operations anyway. If a new server asks for federation, it could get checked for member count and if the count exceeds the arbitrary number (in my example it was 50 or 100 of the rest of the fediverse) the request gets denied.

    For more complicated things like pushing ads, one can report a post, moderators bump the report up to the admin and they press „block server“.

    Changing the protocol is a little more complicated still. We‘d need to agree what constitutes a „change“, if there are exceptions. Then we‘d look in the logs for suspicious behavior (more like have a script look) and get notified if a server was only sending unusable resonses for certain requests of whathaveyou.

    Again, its an idea, something to spark more ideas and lead to more solutions.

  • Who started with an all or nothing stance? I proved you wrong, now you’re upset, I get that.

    So again, I think it is every instances right to do as they please. There already are “pacts” in place to defederate certain parties and behave a certain way. it is how laws came to existence, just so you know. Its one or more parties stating their own stance on things and if they can find others like them, they might cooperate. There is nothing wrong with this. I dont even get what your problem is.