
Tech nerd from Sweden

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Yeah, as I understand it, there are a lot of problems with requesting asylum in the US. people are not allowed to request asylum at border crossings, crossing the border illegally often prevents asylum seekers from seeking asylum, border patrol often dont respect asylum requests, asylum seekers are detained inhumanely, and asylum courts are deliberately underfunded.

    I wish there was more discussion about these issues in the us, instead of blanket statements about migrants crossing the border.

  • Those are good points.

    Control loops have of course always existed in industrial computing, but I think it’s exceptional how common they are now in modern servers and PCs.

    Thats a good point about memory allocation. I guess a lot of syscalls could be considered to be part of this data-centric self-adaptation mode of operation that I’m trying to describe.

    I think retries and exponential backoff are more of a single-threaded error-handling operation, I think that’s different from the operations I’m describing, which instead involves multiple services communicating together to adapt to changing conditions.

    As far as I can tell, Docker didn’t add healthchecks until 1.12 in 2016. I do think Docker healthchecks are a good example of the service orchestration design that has become very popular recently, though.

    To be fair, I didn’t start seriously programming until around 2017, so maybe I’m missing some of the history that shows that this sort of data-centric adaptation was popular prior to 2010.

  • I’m not saying that it’s a pro-Russia opinion. I’m saying that it reduces Ukraine to just being a victim of Russia imperialism, instead of being an entire country with people, politics, and an economy.

    Post USSR, Russia has had influence over Ukraine, but it never threatened to invade Ukraine, that only happened in 2014. Ukrainian polls show that Ukraine never wanted to join NATO before the invasion of Crimea/Donbass. In fact, I’ve seen YouTube videos that argue that the lease of Sevastopol to Russia was a way to guarantee to Russia that it wouldn’t join NATO.

    I agree with you that there are challenges with EU membership for Ukraine, but it is also something that Ukrainians have wanted for a long time, more than they wanted military protection from NATO. Considering the current integration climate of the EU, and the international focus on Ukraine, I think they have a good chance. Much better than countries like Turkey which has been backsliding ever since they applied.

    Kraut has a really good video going into detail what European integration will look like for Ukraine, and vice versa: