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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023

  • And most often high costs mean higher ROI. The wind farm doesn’t get continued funding precisely because it produces electricity when supply is high and hence prices are low. Electricity is not worth the same at all times; you can sell your coal fired watts when the wind speeds are low and the unit price jumps up. Instead of trying to solve the hard problem of storing electricity to fill the intermittency gap, capitalism takes the easy way out of burning fossil fuels unless you force it not to by regulating.

  • Nah the people he grifted were “misguided”. He had all the time in the world to realize the toxic impact he was having on the world, he was intellectually gifted and granted extraordinary power and influence (as a direct consequence of his deliberately reactionary positions he took), at that point you have to be giving a truly naive amount of benefit-of-the-doubt to not conclude malice.

  • You’re throwing out unevidenced, and frankly not very relevant, generalizations again.

    Can you honestly not see that a man why literally describes women as inherently chaotic, and men as inherently ordered, who advocates openly for “forced monogamy”, is hateful. If so I guess we have nothing more to say to each other. Just because he dresses it up in flowery language doesn’t make it less repulsive.

  • He’s being “made fun of” because he’s a misogynist, a sophist, and a hypocrite. The crying is incidental. Less obviously heinous people overwhelmingly receive sympathy in their vulnerability. If I’m getting your argument right you’re saying: “people are mean to men who cry so indeed men shouldn’t cry”. The takeaway is surely, “be less of a dickhead” rather than “cry less”.

  • Eh its a meme at this point. Everyone knows to what you’re referring and recognises the shared experience of overconfident stupid people. Everyone educated on the topic understands that it’s a pop psychological misrepresentation of some very interesting work.

    I wouldn’t say it shows a lack of education. If anything it’s more prevalent in populations that have had an excess of a certain type of unhelpful “executive” education.