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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • This is the second thread I’ve seen like this recently. Proton made a properly labeled throwaway github user to open issues on every repo with anti-abuse lists that contained their domains a few weeks ago. Now different throwaway users are opening new issues for the repos that declined to remove them and then posting to social media trying to rile up an outrage mob to flood the issues. Seems super sketch. Yet another reason to stay away from everything proton.

  • Ooh awesome. The more alternatives to git the better. I’m still bitter over Bitbucket dropping hg support. Suppose with this there’s no need for a bitbucket.

    Having the core of the repo being a sqlite DB is neat. Certainly seems better than needing external tools like I saw posted a couple days ago to do the same sort of queries. Of course literally any vcs is going to have better CLI UX than git, so not sure how much credit I can give fossil there.

  • You’re saying this 12 year old didn’t run away from home, travel from India to UAE alone without proper visa/passport, and then sneak into this UN event with the sign hidden in her socks? Shit, thank God you’re here to clarify that.

    Of course she had support from her parents and someone who was able to get her in the door. Most effective acts of protest are heavily organized. That doesn’t detract from anything.

  • I have a couple scoopfree boxes. It’s just a classic litter box shape with a rake that auto- scoops for you. Doesn’t do anything for pee. It works well for me/my cat. I bought the reusable tray, the disposable ones became really expensive over covid and they don’t handle heavy pee-loads well (plus wasteful). I buy the cheap crystal litter from Walmart, it works as well as their more expensive refills.

    The scoopfree is open by default but you can buy a lid for it. My cats really disliked it when the litter box was enclosed so the lid is in my basement now. Does mean I have to vacuum around it occasionally. Smell isn’t bad unless urine builds up in the crystals because the poop is covered (but not “sealed”).

    The poop capacity is finite and if you have cats that pee a lot you might have to change the litter more often. I have 2 boxes as I had two cats originally. I had to change it out between once a week and every other week. With 4 cats you’d ideally have more boxes and given cats will often just use the same one anyways, you might need to pull the tray out, dump and wipe it, then refill it up to twice a week.

    There’s a configurable delay before the rake activates so it doesn’t scare the cat. There’s also a safety sensor so it doesn’t operate with a passenger.

  • key@lemmy.keychat.orgtoFediverse@lemmy.worldTop 50 defederated instances
    7 months ago

    Makes me kinda wish that when defederating you could select a one word label for why. Like a fixed list with several options like pedo, spam, harassment, abandoned, etc and a default of other. Make it a bit easier with a big list like this to say, oh 1000 of these 1400 all selected “racism” when defederating so it’s probably very racist and I should also defederate. But if it’s a lot of “other” or inconsistent reasons maybe I should spend a bit of time digging.

  • And sampling bias.

    Plus they pick and choose numbers for a more drastic headline. “Sensitive” data is a very broad category, I don’t know what criteria they used but that could be as little as someone’s name being mentioned with a “todo” note. The quarter of a percent mentioned as having a “critical” issue I venture is closer to what most people think of when they read the title. Infosec consultants have a bad habit of inflating numbers until actual risks are lost in the noise.

  • key@lemmy.keychat.orgtoAndroid@lemmy.worldBuying china only phones
    7 months ago

    So not only do the backdoors in Huawei’s equipment reported on in 2020 allow them to spy on network traffic for China, but the NSA might have implants on Huawei’s backend that would allow them to also get a copy of that information. That sounds like all the more reason to avoid Huawei and go the GrapheneOS route. Not sure why you think any of that is contradicting.

  • I’d think simplest option is to replace the symlink with a text file that contains the target path. Then add in a special unique extension so you can easily detect which files are meant to be symlinks.

    I haven’t used it but this script looks like it does most of that https://github.com/nbeaver/toggle-symlink

    Though really I would question the need to do such a thing. Backup is a well solved thing so needing to be creative is a bad sign. I’d default to using a pre-built backup tool like borg. If you really need to avoid wrappers you can always backup to an actual file system via rsync which will handle symlinks normally