• 16 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: March 23rd, 2022


  • It’s an interesting hypocrisy, or dialectic if you will.

    As you say, conspiratorial thinking is the basis for myths about the empire’s enemies, but at the same time “conspiracy theories” have been vilified at every opportunity by the very same myth making machine since the Kennedy assassination.

    As a personal aside, my partner is concerned that I will fall into a “conspiracy theory” or “cult” bubble due to my ML leanings, and may lose touch with reality.

  • To put it maybe a bit too simply, MZT is Marxism-Leninism adopted to mid-century Chinese conditions, whereas Maoism is a branch of ultra adventurism. From my understanding of the history, it kicked off around the time Deng became Premier and started to implement the policies that comprised Reform and Opening Up, as an ultra-left reaction against these policies.

    Maoists think that Deng took the Capitalist Road. Students of MZT can see the thread connecting classical Marxism, Leninism, MZT, and modern SWCC and recognize that they all play their part in building communism in China.

  • They’re being pragmatic, they actually want to get paid, and they don’t want the US to have to pay for all of these weapons and other material. Not everyone you disagree with is a Russian asset, no matter how hard that narrative is pushed.

    All of the “aid” the US has sent to Ukraine has been on credit, a 21st Century lend-lease. The original 20th century lend-lease was a roaring success in terms of subjugating the British empire, and it’s also worth noting that a lot of US representatives of that era were very hesitant to approve the “care packages” in the first place as well. The debt Britain owes the US from WWII has actually never been repaid, but the US got global hegemony out of the deal so they agreed to look the other way.

    Ukraine however has no ability to pay off the debt they have already racked up, let alone more. Not just because they’ve lost militarily but also because anything remotely productive in the country (primary farmland and factories) has been parceled off to the highest (US based) bidder, destroyed via the war, or can’t be productive in the foreseeable due to the loss of working people to emigration and war.