ladfrombrad 🇬🇧

not called Brad but rather a lad, from Bradford in the UK.

Enjoys breaking apps, escooters, spam rings and sometimes bones, but not my own. That sucks.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Aye, me too and like you say it’s hard to not defeat the point of one if you’re unplugging the bloody thing all the time.

    The one I’ve got thou did come with three cables of different lengths and for a while I used the short 0.5m at work since I could just jam it in small cargo pants pocket, medium length stored in locker and the longer 3m one at home. Still unplugged the adapter and is now in a drawer…somewhere.

    Saying this, they do have the bonus (including that 3.5mm button thing i have above) of making the device more water resistant 👀

  • You don’t need to pay a subscription fee for cloud storage when it’s super simple to host your own, and Android allows the mounting of different filesystems too.

    SMB on a rasp pi + cheapo storage + Tailscale, all the way to paying £$€ for a dedicated NAS enclosure with as much storage as you can afford also with Tailscale?

    Yup, fuck subscription fees.

    You also can then use the corporate cloud storage providers like G/ProtonDrive etc to use their free offerings for off site backup of the most important data.

  • That’s the thing…I do understand your qualms about having to use them even if it irks you no end because you’re ‘now not a weirdo’, and having run establishments prior to these days I find it amusing that you’re now required to indulge in sharing your contact list because it’s the “norm”.

    Which is awesome because I somehow manage to keep in touch with fellow friends, colleagues, family and even talking to others on platforms such as this without conglomerates poking my metadata too as much.

    edit: too > as

  • And that’s why if I was self employed I’d use another phone entirely or promote the usage of some other way of contacting me/us. Never would I have WhatsApp installed on my personal device (Dual SIM and all) since it’s my choice, which I can make.

    Peer pressure, social norms, and even “bosses demanding you join their WhatsApp to communicate” is a non starter here.

    I think it annoys my immediate boss that I use our corporate email for everything, or even simply calling them telling them the most menial of things.

  • ladfrombrad 🇬🇧
    toLemmy@lemmy.mlLemmy Development Update 2023-09-22
    9 months ago

    but I have nothing against the users.

    Absolutely, and in 12+ years of using reddit the only accounts funnily enough I’ve had to block are admin accounts, and I liken the above to users from other subreddits being able to able to interact in other subs until they either

    • get banned by the sub /c/ mods

    • individual users using the block function

    Tarring users from instances is like using that SaferBot bullshit which I’ve never liked.

  • Yeah, I’m lucky that I have the option of both gesture or three button nav of which, I still use the latter because it’s better for me.

    I was big on gestures back in the day with LMT and something I’ve found with MiuiOS is they now have that with Quick Ball as it’s called. It’s ace, and also a bit like AOSP Browser side gestures which I also used to use.

    Further, slightly off topic ranting? Yes, where I work they currently have an obsession with installing touchscreens on HMI panels to control machinery. Problem is the touch resolution on them is dogshit so peeps end up start trying to use with them with their pens etc and physically damage the screen.

    Before these touchscreen “interfaces”, we had nice IP68 physical buttons on a Siemens panel that did the very same functions. Sickens me how much they cost for a lower quality interface.