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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2023


  • lambalicious@lemmy.sdf.orgtoLinux@lemmy.mlThe cost of maintaining Xorg
    7 months ago

    But keeping around X isn’t the solution - iterating on Wayland is. Adding protocols to different parts of the stack with proper permission models, moving different pieces of X to different parts of the stack, etc. are a long term viable strategy. Even if it is painful.

    The problem is, that’s always used as an excuse to force people to be gratis beta testers. I’ve been around for the wrecks that were (and still are) Pulseaudio and Systemd. Wayland is even worse: it doesn’t even fully start a session in my machine. If as devs you want to “iterate”, sure, go ahead; but leave it in the dev branch; as a user, don’t try to sell me Wayland again until it’s actually over.

  • That’s partilly more on the people creating duplicates without looking if the community doesn’t exist already

    Which is not bad; actually and to the contrary, it can be a part of each instance’s cultural identity and it’s a practical way of ensuring the diversity and viability of smaller instances.

    Discussing c/soccer in an Argentinian lemmy can be very different than discussing it in hexbear, for example. Not to mention it’s likely most of everyone would’t even be able to participate in hexbear’s. Furthermore, general subjects becoming tied to the largest instances, which statistically have more surface to cover the creation of communities for any subject ever, returns us to the same problem of conversation and community becoming centralized into a “Reddit” instance.

  • lambalicious@lemmy.sdf.orgtoLinux@lemmy.mlThe cost of maintaining Xorg
    7 months ago

    I don’t get the issue with “maintaining Xorg”. Like, I get that it has a “cost”, I just don’t understand why that cost would be an issue since it’s basically fixed, marginal cost (and has been since like 2015): the software is already mature, so it’s unlikely to see relevant changes, or even minor changes (if that’s what we want to mean with “dead”). That means, it can be affixed to a specific toolkit and environment to build (if this isn’t being done already - which any mature project like RedHat should be!) basically guaranteeing it’ll build forever. You can just set a virtual button or a yearly crontab to do it. Fixed, marginal cost.

    Contrasted to that, what Wayland is doing is kinda a representation of the worst ways of capitalism: centralize the profits, socialize the costs and the externalities (redesign, recode, rebuild), and blame society (the Linux communities) for it, all for a variable cost that is unbounded in time and space because you never know what’s gonna cost a small project like a text editor to reimplement the entire desktop stack “just” for Wayland.

  • I mean, it’s not just “politics” (inb4 everything is); there’s been weird sanitization and cultural collonialism attempts in Emoji and in Unicode since a good while. Consider this weirdness: there’s an emoji for Mount Fuji, but not for any other volcano that can (and is) as well-known or important, like Villarrica, Pinatubo or Vesuvius. Why? Other than “nippon icchi namba one”, I dunno. Or the fact that there’s specifically a section dedicated to japanese food, with rice balls, ramen and such stuff, but not a section for Chilean (or at least Latin American) food like empanadas, cazuela and stuff.

  • Here’s two things:

    1. You can not steal an idea. (aka “just because you had an idea doesn’t mean it’s yours”)
    2. You can not steal profits that were never had or intended to be had in the first place (aka: piracy vs “abandonware”)

    Considering that:

    It’s open source, but you can’t redistribute binaries of it you can only compile it for your own personal needs and you can’t commercially use it for free

    Then it’s not Open Source. So, which is it?

    OK, in that case, let’s say I reimplement Fraunhoffer’s FDK-AAC. It’s open source, but you can’t redistribute binaries of it, you can only compile it for your own personal needs and you can’t commercially use it for free.

    The only midly-relevant question here becomes: did you use their source code to implement yours, or did you use public knowledge of the algorith etc (up to and including “white boarding”) to reimplement it? If the former, if the software is actually Open Source at best I could see a case for misrepresentation, but not for theft, because the source code is made available openly, you are not breaking that (that’s what “steal” is).

    Second, if your implementation is better than theirs, including eg.: because of having a better license, then the rules of the market apply: the better product wins (that’s the same argument corps would use to try and break you if the case went the other way around, so it’s only fair you can also use that; at least, law’s supposed to be blind to order-of-parties). You are also not stealing profits because, besides the fact that potential profits by definition can not be stolen, you are also aiming at a different market eg.: people who wouldn’t have bought Fraunhoffer’s in the first place because of the license etc. If you are selling cheese sandwiches, you can not sue “stolen profits” from someone who is selling bacon sandwiches just because their clients asked you for bacon sandwiches and you said no.

  • , many times people get the wrong message, but with an emoji you’ll get an idea of the face I’m making, so less chance of misunderstanding

    [citation needed]

    Several emojis are quite ambiguous in meaning or interpretation, including because of intercultural factors (eg.: U+1F626 FROWNING FACE WITH OPEN MOUTH , or any of the praying / reverence / salute emojis). You, or rather your readers, also have no guarantees that the emoji they are seeing unambiguolsy matches the one you wanted to send and has not been misrepresented in transit or because of the provider (eg.: U+1F52B GUN which was rebranded into WATER PISTOL at different points by different providers).

    In comparison, a classic Unicode / ANSI / JIS smiley is basically unambiguous and has two to four extra decades of context.

    A simple text, even an acronym, is even better, for example rather than trying to express extreme displeasure at someplace else’s lack of good gun control laws with a “prohibition sign” and “gun water pistol”, you can use the even simpler text message of “your gun laws are bad”.

  • And this is why the trick is learning and focusing the technologies that stick at a “lower level” of the stack, and that have been battle-tested by years or even decades so it’s understood that they won’t just “go away”. Like eg.: learning C or Fortran instead of learning ${niche_language_of_year_20xx}. For the docker bracket for example the near equivalent would be hmmm I’d say (s)chroot.

    Then again from here to around 5 years docker will the the schroot of its tech bracket.