• 13 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • lemmyvore@feddit.nltoFirefox@lemmy.mlRelay Phone Number and OTP codes
    6 months ago

    Out of curiosity, is it hard or impractical for you to get a second phone number where you live?

    Over here phones with multiple SIMs are common, pretty much everybody has one with dual physical SIM or with eSIM support.

    You can also get a cheap prepay plan that will let you receive verification SMS for extended periods of time.

  • lemmyvore@feddit.nltoLinux@lemmy.mlLXD now re-licensed and under a CLA
    6 months ago

    Securing the desktop protocol against keyloggers on Linux is like wearing a helmet when you’re walking down the street… yeah in theory it’s a good thing and would improve your safety, but it’s also wildly impractical and the things it protects you from are extremely unlikely.

    And even if keyloggers were a huge everyday threat, you still have to allow for legit explicit uses of the technology (automation, accessibility etc.) But nah, they just said “we’re not implementing it at all”. What sense does that make?

  • Wayland on its own may be ready but you can’t build a whole desktop with just Wayland. The rest of the stack needs time to catch up.^(*) And no, not everybody is willing to use KDE and restrict themselves to whatever combination of elements happens to work right now.

    ^(*) Because the bright people who did this decided they needed to throw the baby out with the bathwater on X. They couldn’t possibly find a way to ditch only the obsolete parts and fix the problems and maintain compatibility as much as possible. No, everything had to be rewritten from scratch.

    So here we are 15 years later, with another 5 or so to go until the whole Linux desktop ecosystem will be thoroughly redone.

  • Because software is math, and like math, it’s basically a way of expressing things that are true about the universe. Allowing only some people to say those things would be nonsense.

    Imagine if someone patented Pythagora’s Theorem and only they were allowed to use it. You couldn’t even begin to count the ways in which it would be impractical. Similarly, audio or video codecs for example are just ways of describing sound waves or images more efficiently.

    Yes, there is work that goes into finding these algorithms, just like there is work that goes into new mathematical theorems and proofs, but that work gets rewarded and protected in other ways (copyright etc.)

  • X2Go is the closest I’ve seen to ease of use, and it’s based on already widely available components (X over SSH). It also has an explicit confirmation counterpart (x2godesktopsharing) so people can give explicit permission to remote into their already running desktop session.

    But the UI is terrible. It’s badly laid out and wasteful and has dozens of arcane options that you have to dig through and figure out.

  • If you think Meta will allow the Threads algorithm to show anything from the fediverse you are unbelievably naive. And that’s if content from the fediverse even makes a blip on a platform with 100x the size.

    Meta doesn’t federate with the goal of giving Threads users an out. They federate because it’s the most efficient way to scrape fediverse instances and build profiles on fediverse users.

    Meta has reached saturation with their existing services so they are now branching into any possible extra source of data they can. They’ll take anything, from fediverse federation to Whatsapp emails. All your data is welcome to them.

  • Tailscale is great, and very handy to edit my compose files from, for example, work. But I didn’t think I could use it to access my services?

    Tailscale has two features that, when enabled, will let you exit the tailnet through a node to a LAN (subnets) or to the Internet (exit node).

    You can use the subnets feature. You can install a Tailscale container on the NAS, mark it as using the subnets feature, and then you have two options:

    1. Use the “host” network mode on the Tailscale container, which will give it access to your NAS machine’s host network interfaces, and set up the subnet mask to your LAN’s subnet. You will be able to access your services on the NAS’s LAN IP and whatever service ports you expose to the host, just as if you were on the LAN.
    2. You leave the Tailscale container to use a private docker network, you create a “tailscale” docker network, you declare the Tailscale subnet as the docker network subnet, and you connect to it the Tailscale container plus any other containers that you want to access (in their docker compose files). This is more secure (in the absolute, abstract sense) because Tailscale traffic doesn’t pass through the LAN, and you only expose a short explicit list of containers to Tailnet. On the other hand you have to juggle container network names, and it just makes things more complicated.

  • If you keep around a bootable rescue stick like System Rescue it has a boot menu entry that will boot the Linux installed on your machine. Once you do that you can run a command or two to reinstall the bootloader. You can search the net or whatever at leisure since it will work fully.

    Alternatively, if your system Linux is borked harder, you can boot the rescue Linux and use more advanced methods, depending on what’s wrong. The rescue Linux also has a graphical environment with browser if you need it.

    At the very least sometimes you can figure out what went wrong. It may not be much comfort if you lost your system but at least you learn what not to do in the future. Too many people just say “oh, it just broke” and leave it at that.

  • lemmyvore@feddit.nltoAndroid@lemmy.worldFavorite RSS Reader With Search Function
    7 months ago

    I like Flym a lot. The project has been discontinued but the app was in a very good state when that happened and works well.

    Not sure what you mean by search – whether it’s quicksearching through feed articles or searching for new feeds – but it has both. 🙂

    Flym also hides articles from the list after you’ve read them because it defaults to the “Unread” listing, but you can see them in the “All” listing.

  • How is that not false advertising? Why should companies be allowed to magic up a fake example of their product actually working, and sell that to customers, when the real product doesn’t actually work yet?

    If when they ship the actual thing to the customer it’s not like they claimed then it’s fraud (or “false advertising” which is the lenient version).

    Strictly for presentation ahead of time I think it’s borderline. Negative hype can kill a product that could have been good. Sure, complete honesty would be ideal, but if you say “well it sucks right now but we promise it will be ok when you buy it”, not many people would rush to order one. Many good products never made it to market because of insufficiently good perception. On the flip side, creating positive hype out of smoke and mirrors can be used to kill a competitor’s product for no good reason, so it’s not quite ok either.