• 20 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • I think you have the most accurate answer. The “othering” behavior can be seen in essentially any group of people.

    Plus, if you read any of the texts of these religions, I have never come across instructions to shun others. I think people have a surface level of belief and then sophomorically apply it to be “more righteous.” They’re really missing the forest for the trees if they elevate themselves above others.

    Not the Middle East, but I remember Hinduism having a caste system that does actually rank people, but from information I got, people were generally on the same page about it.

  • Follow up question, what do you use for an abrasive fluid? I’m pretty new to sharpening and just bought diamond stones and lapping fluid, but the fluid is semi-expensive. I’ve seen about anything from just water, Windex, Krud Cleaner, and then all sorts of replies saying that each of those wreck the stone in some way. Is there a cheap alternative that you use, or should I just keep buying the lapping fluid?

  • For me it was ironically a theoretical physics video that made a religious belief really make sense. It was a video explaining how we can conceptualize 11 dimensions that would be possible on the information we collectively know now as humans. The way it made me really think about how truly expansive space and time are really made me think that “that’s not impossible to think that there is a 11th dimension being that has some agenda that we cannot understand.”

    I imagine it’s like a child trying to understand something beyond their comprehension but it doesn’t change how true it is, like “brush your teeth because it lowers your risk of gums bleeding and leaking bacteria into your bloodstream and eventually causing vegetative infective endocarditis.” They’re just not going to understand that yet, but still reap the benefits later if they brush their teeth. I think it’s much easier and safer for the kid to say, “I’m just not going to brush my teeth.”

    Bottom line is, I think that’s why it’s called faith, because it’s just not definitively provable or disprovable. I have personally had many tangible positive benefits in my life from having a faith but don’t think that should be forced upon anyone.

    And I know many people in western cultures equate religion to Christianity, but just a quick reminder that there are many many faith systems that exist in the world.

  • I have been listening to maybe a dozen of their podcast episodes and find them pretty interesting. I tried a few other ones but they seem to have the right angle and speed that I’m interested in. Mike and Josh really get into some more philosophical aspects that is promoting a lot of introspection in general. I’ll definitely need to check out that binding; thanks for the suggestion.