• 25 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023


  • If you’re too hot you can set the thermostat to cool down and if you’re too cold you can just turn the heat up.

    I sure am thankful for HVAC technology, and the development of science and human technology in general that has been happening since way before capitalism.

    You have ample choices for food

    I love the agricultural revolution from hundreds of thousands of years ago! And tractors.

    You only need to work a fraction of an hour for a meal, instead of all day long

    Okay now, pre-industrial societies did not work an entire day for a single meal lmao. That’s something you’d see in capitalism or slavery. The vast majority of human history did not involve that much work.

    You’re the most comfortable any human has ever been.

    Thanks for technological advancements and not-capitalism!

    . Surviving is so easy for you, you feel the need to complain that ITS NOT EASY ENOUGH.

    What a boomer statement lmao. Isn’t it ironic that you complain about other people critiquing society, and lash out in caps lock? What if I told you that people have critiqued society since antiquity? I highly recommend you pick up a book. You’ll learn something or two!

  • Jobs existed the same way all the way back then as they do now.

    Are you arguing that ancient societies had “jobs”, and in the same way that we do nowadays? I don’t intend to be rude (and sorry if I come off that way), but a simple Google search will tell you that’s false, but I’d be glad to cite you exact resources as well.

    And that was the birth of capitalism

    While the exact beginning of capitalism may be a subject of a little debate, no expert on the matter believes it goes that far back. Again, simple Google search reveals it, and I’ll be glad to cite you resources if you want.

    Most didn’t own their land. It belonged to a king or emperor.

    This wasn’t always true. There was a time that preceded class society. And not all class society is capitalism.

    but to say capitalism didn’t exist back then isn’t accurate.

    It is the scientific consensus that it did not.

    I think we need to migrate to socialism via capitalism

    Not sure what you mean here. Can you please elaborate?

    whatever system you want them to transition to

    It is simple. Instead of orienting society around profits and capital, we orient it around bettering the human condition. Instead of working our days to generate more profit for capitalists in exchange for money to buy necessities, we work to serve our interests and our own communities. So much wasted labor is suddenly removed.