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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023


  • FYI president in many eastern European countries is just a ceremonial figure without much actual power. It’s kind of like the king in UK.

    The real power is in the hands of the government and its prime minister.

    So when the article mentions that the president signed the law, he effectively does not really have any options not to sign it once it was approved by parliament. Outside of very specific cases. For example if he had a good reason to suspect the law is unconstitutional he could have the constitutional court decide whether it’s okay. And if it is, he’d have to sign it.

  • You can’t do much about users that just don’t care. But more technically inclined folks often do care and these are the people that develop the web and maintain the computer/browser for other people.

    A lot of folks in my circle use chrome, but the moment the AdBlock plugin stops working they’ll likely switch to anything that works better. They are not necessarily too concerned about privacy, but they also don’t want to have most of their browsing made effectively impossible by ads everywhere.

    I mean, just try and use the web without any sort of blocking. A lot of sites don’t even have their content visible.

  • Something that were already seeing with Slovakia cutting all aid to Ukraine and taking a ‘war is bad, negotiate peace’ stance that is a blatant and thinly veiled Russian supportive line.

    Keep in mind that Fico is lying populist. He is very vocal about ending support for Ukraine, but then ends up supporting budget that includes help for Ukraine.

    He’s very dependent on EU money. Estonian prime minister Kaja Kallas very correctly pointed out to reporters that Hungary often said one thing to the media and did another thing behind closed doors. Fico is exactly the same.

    Any military equipment Slovakia could send is already in Ukraine. And any future financial help will be approved by Fico after making loud claims in the media how he’ll stop any and all support. Or pretend that the support is only humanitarian. (But obviously money is money, we can easily pretend the 1% of the overall budget that Slovakia sent was used for… …uh… …fuel?)

  • To be fair, you’re posting messages here using protocol, that was used for military purposes. (The TCP/IP used to be called DoD protocol back then) So it’s not like the money is completely wasted if you’re smart about it.

    Building good road/rail infrastructure to enable the ability to respond to military threats within the country would also benefit the general population.

    Throwing nearly half a million of your productive generation men into a meat grinder in an offensive war certainly isn’t one of those smart investments.

  • Well there is the risk of losing Ukraine’s goodwill. It’s one of the biggest countries bordering Slovakia. I’m quite sure there will be a lot of money flowing to Ukraine pre-EU to support reconstruction and preparation for joining the EU. There are many contracts to be lost etc…

    It just makes no sense to be on bad terms with your direct neighbor just so you can be a simp for constantly drunk guy down the street that has nothing to offer and no perspective.

    I mean Slovakia found out that russian technicians were fucking with the jets they were maintaining for Slovak military.

    But it all makes sense when you realize that Fico only follows his own interests. He couldn’t care less about his country.