Just some IT guy

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I remember when Zen dropped and everyone thought Intel had some sort of secret super architecture stored in the archives that would allow them to compete. Turns out no, they had nothing. They still have nothing. All they do is make the silicon larger and crank up the clocks. Ironically reducing their margins in an attempt to out-compete a vastly superior technology.

    At this point I’m afraid AMD will get into the same position Intel was in during the Bulldozer era and price gouge just as much but unless Intel somehow manages to make chiplets work without infinity fabric (they can’t use it because patents) I really don’t see them putting out compelling products in the next years. AMD is steadily gaining market share because year after year their products are objectively better in increasingly many categories. Zen was just plain cheap enough to counteract the lacking performance but no AMD has the cheaper AND faster tech for most use cases. The last bastion Intel really has are laptops and once that is gone I can see a lot of OEMs start selling AMD products en masse.

  • I’m much happier with a company that is satisfied with its market, does what it does well, and leaves it at that

    No problem here, yet

    I’m not a believer of “more money for the money gods, ever increasing profits, let’s fuck over some more consumers and further line the shareholders pockets”.

    points at Skylake explain that then. Let’s not pretend Intel was a Saint while AMD was busy running their business into the ground. Intel was price gouging the hell out of consumers back then. Intel had a whopping 9% performance gain over two CPU generations. We get more than that now in a single one (well if you’re not Intel that is but more on that later). Intel is not one of those saintly companies you outlined in your previous statement and it never was. When they had the chance to price gouge time and time again they showed that they will do exactly that. Let’s not get into their anti-competitive practices whenever AMD actually manages to get something good out.

    And while at it Intel is not even good at making Desktop CPUs anymore. They are stuck on monolithic chips that cost a shitload to manufacture so while AMD is busy reducing their production costs and improving their flexibility Intel is still reeling from Zen 1 and seemingly can’t do anything other than making bigger and bigger chips at higher and higher voltages. I don’t have their internal financials but looking at what’s publicly available they are running out of excess margin to bleed off. Their (high-end) products don’t make them a lot of money anymore, if that, because the yield for them is just abhorrently bad. They got hit out of left field by Zen but instead of sitting down and acknowledging that they fucked up and “innovated” themselves into a corner they doubled down on monolithic chips and dug their grave deeper. And why? Simple: innovating costs money and Intel is all about profit so that was a big nono.

    If they push someone else out, that’s more specialties lost.

    History shows that rather happens due to monopolies preventing new players from entering a field (infamously the dozens of potential cancer cures that just landed in big pharma’s drawer of patents that don’t make enough money) but you do you I guess.

    but I’m much happier that their GPUs have generally flopped

    You shouldn’t be, we have 2 companies competing there and it isn’t going very well for the consumer. Fewer companies in an industry = less competition.

    Oh and of course

    reliable desktop CPU

    yeah well that one is easy if you stop drastically changing your product while still increasing prices as if you were.

  • Gitea is managed by a for profit which is now offering a hosting service. That alone is already a conflict of interest because one of Giteas core features is the easy self hosting.

    Then the contribution guidelines have been made stricter, anyone contributing now has to give up their copyright to the gitea management, meaning they could change the opensource license to a stricter one down the line without requiring community consent.

    The concern is that as time passes features will be locked behind a premium tier for self-hosters or the self-hosting itself will be made more difficult in an effort to push their cloud service.

  • Neshura@bookwormstory.socialtoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlwhat is your favorite lemmy instance?
    7 months ago

    I’d be very careful with those words given that lemmy.world is rather trigger happy with defederations.

    It is almost impossible to completely censor away content and anyone can bridge blocks by creating a new intermediary instance where they can view content of mutually blocked instances but it’s not like you see all the fediverse content on any instance.

    Matter of fact you just need to look at the blocklists of most instances to get a pretty good guess at the other, less legal, Fediverse out there running almost in parallel to the popular one. But since almost every instance has those blocked you don’t see any of that shit in your feeds. Highly censorship resistant, but ultimately an individual is still at the mercy of their instance admins.

  • > make a new messenger using a niche protocol > new users choose your messenger because it is objectively the best after you dumped unreasonable amounts of cash into it > userbase grows, in large parts because the small messenger is interoperable so you can say “hey, if other company wanted to they could just implement [protocol] for you, we are already doing that” > once userbase reaches critical mass, pull the plug on the protocol > users with long chat histories and contact books are now more or less stuck on your platform whether they like it or not because getting people to switch suddenly means two messengers instead of one for them, not a good proposition to make.

    XMPP did take off while it was in Messenger, Facebook decided to kill it with its superior reach because it was a step-ladder rather than something actually useful to them. Facebook will absolutely use the Mastodon interoperability as a marketing trick “Hey guys, if you have friends that don’t like threads they can use another platform and still talk with you”. They’ll use it to distinguish threads from twitter until they feel like they don’t need it anymore. Then they’ll find some sort of technical excuse and pull the plug on ActivityPub support.

  • Can confirm, my mail server does just about everything I found it needs to do to not get flagged spam. And it doesn’t except for Gmail. Not even Microsoft has “Spam” filters that strict beyond checking the basic records.

    On the browsers, I think in large parts Google should have never been allowed to push for their own Browser in their own products simply because the have monopolies in so many of them. Free market this and that, IRL it doesn’t work without some regulations and imo (American) Tech companies have been allowed too much freedom to abuse the market whichever way they like.

  • I can only speak for myself but the slight issue I take with “woke” aspects in games is more down to the fact that it takes me out of the experience and forcibly makes me recall the very real discussion around it. That alone wouldn’t be a problem because quite frankly every game is political in some way but the “woke” discussion has been extremely loud and, at least for me, exhausting in both directions. So if I stumble upon an issue of it in a game it immediately pulls me back to reality, ruining my moment of escapism.

    And I don’t think your conclusion of people’s actual desires is accurate. There is wanting all characters to be white, having a problem with 50% of a supposedly medieval european population being black and a lot of nuance in between those two extremes. Again, I can’t speak for anyone except myself but the vast majority of complaints I’ve met are from people who do not take issue with represantation itself but with the degree it is pushed with.

    Disclaimer: please excuse the typos, I’ll maybe fix them later

  • Valid point, let’s work with it

    Nitpick: “large sum of money” - at least here laser treatment is pretty cheap (less than 1k for both eyes)

    1: My eyesight is too bad for laser treatment, by the time my eyesight would be corrected there would be nothing left of my cornea and likely retina as well.

    1.5: I still have options available to me that, as you point out, just involve throwing more money at the problem

    2: me having that option is beside the point. The point is that even just a minor nuisance like glasses is enough to seriously fuck with someone’s (perceived) quality of life, never mind something that actually severely impacts your daily life.

  • Just piling onto this I really hate how it’s always portrayed as if ftl would somehow break causality. I cannot for the life of me figure out any way in which something travelling faster than light would do that. Travelling faster than sound doesn’t break the air eithe (well it sort of does but the air is still there working as air once the sonic boom has passed it)r.

    Bit of a tangent but I get the feeling a lot of scientists are stuck revering the old geniuses a bit too much. Einsteins formula is basically taken as gospel, to suggest it might be inaccurate is seemingly treated as heresy and I don’t think that’s a good thing.

    Newton’s theory of gravity was also revered as undenoable fact but lo and behold it was severely inaccurate. What makes these people believe it’s any different with Einstein and co? (arguably this could be down to the media distorting sentiment among scientists but that only improves things marginally)