
  • 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 19th, 2023


  • Has anyone else noticed NAFO types calling Russians (and sometimes just anyone who isn’t foaming at the mouth calling for endless war) “Muscovites” over the last few months? It seems to have replaced “orcs” in the lexicon of the people I regularly encounter online, and they use it like a racial slur. It kind of seems the NAFO types are having a hard time coming up with a catchy slur they can use against Russians specifically that isn’t a slur against Slavs in general.

  • The dissonance on display here is crazy. Russia is suffering massive casualties wantonly throwing away lives and having trouble recruiting. However bad it is for Ukraine, Russia is doing worse. Source: trust me bro. So many lines of cope needed to dilute the main story, which is that Ukraine is snatching up toothless old men, barely training them, and then throwing them into assault platoons that get devastated. And even the soldiers themselves are getting sick of the waste of life and speaking out.

    There was another article you posted a couple days ago where one officer involved in one of these so called offensives was interviewed and said that they were fighting a battle of attrition. As the assaulting force. Which just really gives away the game. The ones carelessly throwing away lives for minimal gain is Ukraine. Someday when the true casualty figures come out that even western press admit Ukraine is covering up, I have a feeling they’re going to be absolutely shocking.

  • From this, and another article just posted and linked in this one, we’ve got a major USA media outlet confirming:

    • Ukraine is forcibly abducting and coercing people into service, including people with disabilities.
    • Ukraine is sending these people into suicidal attacks where they get devastated by Russian artillery and drones.
    • Ukraine is lying about its battlefield accomplishments and covering up its losses.

    So, in other words, all things “tankies” have been talking about for months. Is NYT Russian propaganda now too?

  • These assault groups are made up of “zeks” [prisoners, recruited in Russia to be sent to war] trained by the Wagner [Group]. Their officers have no regard for them: the wounded are not evacuated, the dead are abandoned," Yan Yatsychen said.

    Is there actually any reason to believe Russia is really using these tactics, or is this still just your regularly scheduled “muh asiatic hordes” bullshit? I’ve also been seeing a bunch of claims lately that Korean artillery shells are defective and constantly misfiring.