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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • similar to the Wankel engine

    Was the Wankel engine really a step forward though? I’m a gearhead who does all his own car maintenance, up to and including engine swaps in the past and retro-modding bigger turbos and aftermarket fuel injection systems into my cars (Datsuns in the latter case). That being said, I only know the very basics about rotary engines. I’ve always admired the Mazda RX’s from afar.

    Mazda, who by no means makes a bad gasoline engine, could never get a rotary motor to last well or to have anywhere near decent fuel economy. Also, the rotary design was tried for a while in at least refrigeration compressor applications, where it blew up there a lot more than the other types of compressors as well.

  • Orville was such an aimless show in the beginning. Obviously it started out going for campy comedy parody but it honestly wasn’t hitting the mark on the comedy often enough. I’m stalled out somewhere in early Season 3–not because I wasn’t enjoying it, I think it’s actually gotten pretty good by that point, but just time and other commitments.

  • psycho_driver@lemmy.worldtoFuck Cars@lemmy.mlHi-viz
    8 months ago

    I sort of had one of these moments the other day. I didn’t, in reality, but everyone else probably thought I did.

    Some jackass was walking across the road an 1/8 of a mile ahead of me on a very busy city street at rush hour. I was running my daughter between appointments, first appointment had started 20 minutes late so we were going to be cutting it really close on getting to #2 on time. Anyway, jaywalker was wearing a hi-vis jacket. He did not have a stop sign or anything in his hands. I figured he was crossing the street halfway because my 2 lanes of traffic were clear for him at that time, the other side was busy.

    He made it well past my lane so I went back to sending a txt to my wife about the first appointment (again, no other cars around me in my lanes). As I get near him, doing the speed limit, he starts shouting and waving his arms at me. I still have no idea wtf he was doing out there, but apparently he expected me to stop because he was standing in the middle of a busy street wearing a hi-vis jacket (I wear a hi-vis jacket for work and would expect people to run me tf over if I wandered out into a busy street randomly).