He/Him 💕 Things I like: fountain pens, kilts, drawing/painting, tech/progrming, mandolin/music/barbershop singing, Hiking, skinny-dipping in forests

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 2nd, 2023

  • I’ve been getting a shiny pokemon team ready for Black/White remakes that will come out one day ~ (shiny-egg-trading on the 3DS)

    also swap-doodle on the 3DS - though I’ve been carrying it in my pocket for a few weeks in Sydney, Australia and haven’t street-pass’d anyone since 5 years ago (one person) the rest, 6 years ago @_@

    Add me and trade hand-drawn postcards n__n 33/M/Australia name: Pushka Friend-code: 1822-1028-6857 (reply with your FC

  • Edit - I can’t read , disregard this

    If the people you’re around are Christian - the phrase “David’s Friend Jonathan” can be a gay dog whistle , it’s a reference to the bible , but ppl blasphemously muse that it sounded pretty gay when Jonathan died and David said his love for him surpassed that of a woman

    2 Samuel 1 - 25 How are the mighty fallen in the midst of the battle! O Jonathan, thou wast slain in thine high places.

    26 I am distressed for thee, my brother Jonathan: very pleasant hast thou been unto me: thy love to me was wonderful, passing the love of women.

    27 How are the mighty fallen, and the weapons of war perished!


    Dunno if it’s related , but the Japanese Yaoi movement can be pretty cute and emotional ~

    Yaoi is an acronym / initialism meaning something like "no plot , no point (just spicy guy love) Also “BL” Boy-love

    It’s a genre started by underground female writers and comic artists writing gay fics for other ladies - comes in all flavours

    But if you find art / fan art / comics or anime - there’s the range of being friends , affectionate , new lovers, relationshipping ~~

    The trope is that the author and reader are embodied into a young feminine looking guy , and there is some love interest thats more manly and dominant looking - and so they’re being chased , kinda like man-woman gender stereotypes , but make it gay - There’s often great emotional stories , drama/love triangles , spicy gay stuff ~ can be very cute and gay

  • Weird that the ‘most atheist country in the world’ still won’t pass this, lead by Christian politicians x__x

    The average Joe can be a bit traditional / sexist/ chauvinistic - but I think things are changing slowly

    “A May opinion poll from the CVVM agency showed 58% of Czechs believed same-sex couples should have the right to marry, and more agreed with allowing couples to adopt.”

    Ah, TIL:

    A 2023 Gallup International survey found that Sweden was the country with the highest percentage of citizens that stated they do not believe in God.

    Top 10 Countries with the Highest Percentage of Atheists - WIN-Gallup 2017:

    China - 91%
    Japan - 87%
    Sweden - 78%
    Czech Republic - 76%
    United Kingdom - 73%
    Belgium - 72%
    Estonia - 72%
    Norway - 70%
    Australia - 69%
    Denmark - 68%

  • I like it ~ I joined mastodon but I think it was way too slow to load images - probably joined some dodgy overloaded server (though I like the Reddit format and community better rather than Twitter)

    It’s giving me Reddit 15 years ago vibes - smaller tech-savvy and agile community - my Reddit use was on and off through the years; but I like the idea that each community in the Extended Lemmiverse can all have their own vibes and cultures and implementations of the platform and we can all chat and follow topics together 🕊️

    I’ve only been here a short while; but maybe one thing I’d love is not to see reposts in the /all section ; I know the communities are small and growing and can cross post for more stuff , but I’m sure there could be a way for the system to know that the title and url are the same - so only show one , or auto-merge the comments and prioritise posting your comment to your local community instance’s post Edit - I might try install an instance on my website and try to make a merge function ~