If I own a community that’s related to a piece of software, service, or other community and someone who actually contributes to that wants it, message me and it’s yours. I stake no claim in communities, I simply want to see them exist and thrive.

  • 25 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: September 23rd, 2023


  • Determinism is actually a really silly argument to make for anything. Determinism doesn’t posit that people don’t make choices, but simply that the choices made are determinable, even if they in every way resemble “free choice”. We are a part of the variables that determinism says contributes to these choices, but your solution is we sit with a sock in our mouth because it’s so very mean to tell Elon he’s a cunt “because he has no choice”. You’re, put plainly, a fool, if you believe for a second that predetermined choices make someone any less of an asshole. Elon Musk is a harmful, narcissistic asshole is no different than “the total result of Elon Musk’s predetermined decisions are to behave as a narcissitic asshole.”

    Yes, under determinism, he has no choice in the matter, just as a gun used to kill someone has no choice in being a killing machine, or a pencil in a 4th grade classroom has no choice in being a penis drawer.

    Deterministic sophistry being used to soften, excuse, or in any way lessen the value of peoples’ individual actions is mere sophistry, and completely misses the point of the philosophical theory.

  • I don’t agree with punitive “justice”. It’s ineffective, bad, and wrong.

    But I do agree that, while rehabilitative justice takes place, we must protect society from those who are doing harm to others.

    The adult approach is to think about an effective way to prevent him from doing more damage while not giving the wrong signals to the rest of society.

    Your “adult approach” allows him to continue to freely do harm to people, and in no way addresses it nor the harm those who think he’s acceptable perpetuate.

    He has a tail of followers so care needs to be taken that he doesn’t become a martyr for them.

    This is another excuse to do nothing.

  • I should add that I reject the idea of anyone making a choice. Neuroscience is pretty confident that choice is not an actual thing; it’s all cause and effect. The behavior we are seeing from Elon Musk now is caused by his genes, how he was brought up, and how people are treating him. We can control one of these three things to get the effect we want.

    Is this how you excuse any wrongdoing of any person who’s ever existed? Holding people accountable, both in private and public, is a part of that influence upon who he is. At this point, I’m comfortable saying Elon Musk is a lost cause, and the best thing we can do is make him less capable of harming society yet further.

    Not everyone gets a redemption arc, that’s only a thing in novels. Elon Musk has no desire to understand normal people, and that’s something is simply impossible to contend with.

  • Elon too, while misguided, wants to do good

    There’s no reason to believe this.

    But look at how his dad has treated him growing up

    An explanation as to why someone’s a bad person doesn’t make them less bad.

    Plus I’m pretty sure he’s neurodivergent.

    He’s autistic. Most autistic people aren’t narcissistic megalomaniacs, and if they are, they should be called out for it.

    If anybody wants to get him to see the error of his ways, more abusive language is certainly not going to help.

    A moot point, he will not accept anything but the yes men he grew up around and lived the last 52 years being applauded by.

    He’s being pushed into a corner and in his mind he sees a world that is increasingly broken by vile people who don’t understand him or his vision for improving the world.

    I do understand his vision, and the vision is broken and harmful.

    Elon has in fact done a lot of good for the world, but he needs people he trust to keep his feet on the ground.

    He has? Like his racially segregated factories? Or the monkeys he experiments on the brains of?

    That can’t be achieved by chastising him, but by praising the things he does well and getting him to spend more time among “normal” people and good role models

    This is ineffective with people in such a power position.

    In the meantime though, to protect the world from powerful broken men, we need regulation to keep them fenced off.


    Ultimately, Elon Musk is a genuinely harmful and bad person, who is both uncritically malicious to those who dare criticize him, and is incredibly foolish at every endeavour he involves himself in. “His” successes come as a result of people he hired walling him off in his companies so that he continues to invest in technologies while being blind to any important part of production he might find interesting enough to meddle in.

    Your take on him is one I can empathize with, and I even held myself for a while, but at the end of the day, it’s a benefit of the doubt he expressly does not deserve.

  • Once they’ve transferred governance to some other entity, sure. That’s gonna take years though, they said so themselves. Standardizing a protocol isn’t something that can be done overnight, and that’s fully their intention with ATProto.

    I’m keenly interested in the protocol, but I also question its flexibility as to the content it can be used to post and distribute. That’s something we’ll have to wait for federation to come to see people start playing with. If it becomes a standard, governed by a non-partisan body, and is flexible to a variety of content types, I see no reason to stay with ActivityPub except that the software’s already here.