• 26 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 22nd, 2023


  • Don’t be purposely obtuse, please. Of course nicotine or vaping isn’t going to be on that chart. But apparently you’re OK with hooking 'em young…so they can have other smoking-related diseases when they’re no longer on that chart. And after almost one hundred years of the tobacco industry marketing their product, you think just because you don’t see direct ads on Nickelodeon or cereal boxes that kids aren’t being influenced insidiously. Wow, are you that blind?

    And yes, kids are dumb as a bag of hammers. That’s what parenting is all about. Hopefully when the heavy lifting is done, they’re a little smarter than those who made 'em.

  • I’ll just call partial bullshit as I’m not exactly sure what the existing laws are regarding vaping and minors. Are persons of questionable age supposed to be “carded” like with alcohol? What is the vaping age in Michigan anyway? 16? 18? 21? In any case, how is this “counterproductive to society as a whole”?

    Regarding your quitting smoking questionably thanks to flavored vapes: obviously we don’t know each other and I don’t know your exact circumstances but…

    • If you were using vapes (flavored or not) containing nicotine, then vaping was only a psychological crutch. Regardless of gradually decreasing nicotine intake or not, you one day made the decision to stop. Thinking otherwise is a fallacy: switching from a 12mg nicotine cigarette to a 10mg or 8mg cigarette in fact only leads to increased smoking.
    • If your vaping was nicotine-free, then again, vaping was again a crutch. Unless, you alternated between cigarettes and vaping, you quit the first time you chose to vape instead of smoking cigarettes.

    In either case, congratulations. You are no longer a slave to nicotine. Be strong. Nicotine is a powerfully addictive substance with zero benefits. Be it smoking, vaping, gum or patches, a user stops only when they are ready. Like the old joke…

    Q: How many psychologists does it take to change a lightbulb?
    A: Only one, but the light bulb has to want to change.

  • From the Detroit News’ article

    The new rates will be effective Dec. 15 for DTE’s 2.3 million electricity customers in southeast Michigan and the Thumb area.

    Rep. Mike McFall, D-Hazel Park, said he was “appalled” the commission would allow DTE to push the “financial burden of long-overdue infrastructure upgrades to residents” based on reasoning that is “tired and clearly not made in good faith.”

    “This is despite DTE recording over $1 billion in net profits last year and after the company boasted about their $332 million 2023 Q3 earnings to shareholders,” McFall said in a statement.

    “I recognize that $368 million is still a tremendous rate increase and is too high for many ratepayers, especially right before the holidays," [Attorney General Dana] Nessel said in a statement. “I will remain a vocal proponent for the interests of utility customers and urge the Legislature to pass measures compelling DTE to demonstrate this money is being utilized to ensure more reliable service and not to enrich its shareholders.”