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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • There’s a good chance when you were younger, you heard classical music in the classroom to try and make you smarter. However, this is a myth - there is no such link between music and intelligence (or that we can measure intelligence for another matter!)

    I’ve never heard anyone claim classical music makes you smarter. I have heard people say it makes you focus better, which is true to some extent. This was one of the first things my therapist recommended I try after being diagnosed with adhd. I can’t imagine it isn’t applicable to people without adhd, although probably to varying degrees depending on the person.

    The only thing I take issue with is the specification of classical music. Some people have told me this is because classical music doesn’t have words in it, which would distract you instead of help you focus. Not only can classical music have lyrics, but every other genre of music is perfectly capable of not having lyrics. I’m not sure if its even true that the lyrics would distract you in the first place.

    Its pretty clear to me that the only reason people play classical music specifically for this purpose is because it makes them feel smart. You could argue that feeling smart might actually help you get things done, but I dislike the perception of classical music as smart people music in general. It’s just a style of music, like every other. There’s nothing that makes it superior or more sophisticated, its just what Europeans liked a few centuries ago.

  • I interpreted the “stricter” definition as just being more intense. Like its only used to describe someone who reads constantly, and knows nearly everything about literature. Or someone who is almost obsessively studying math, or chess theory. Or someone who is very interested in numerous “nerdy” things.

    Maybe that’s not what they meant, I’m not sure. You’re right, their wording is kind of ambiguous.

  • I have said multiple times at this point that its not worth learning imperial for whatever advantages it may have. Its obviously not good to create new units for every application. But that’s not what I said is it? I said there are aspects of imperial I would miss if I switched entirely.

    Or, here’s a wild idea, you could use some indicator that shifts the unit’s scale, some kind of „prefix“ you slap in front of it.

    Show me the indicator for Celsius that makes it a proper size for that application.

    I would if you were able to have a real conversation, but all you deliver is a 47/53 grasping for straws per freedom eagle.

    I guess that’s how you would see it if you just ignore all of my arguments and assume metric is better at everything all the time. Do you think I’m doing this because I’m patriotic? You think I started this argument where I openly admit imperial’s faults, just to defend America’s pride? You have ignored nearly all of my arguments because you are unable to accept the fact that metric isn’t better at literally everything. Nothing is perfect, and I’m not sucking america’s dick by telling you that. The one thing I got wrong was assuming you wanted a real conversation.

  • A “coffee” at starbucks, or an energy drink Have more in common with a dessert, then water filtered thru ground up beans.

    Is your only problem the sugar? If so, don’t you think some coffee drinks should be regulated as well as energy drinks? That’s essentially my point, I don’t think it makes sense to enforce age restrictions on energy drinks but not on similar products too.

    If its the caffeine, then regular coffee isn’t necessarily better than an energy drink anyway. Caffeine content in coffee varies wildly based on numerous different factors. You can make a cup of black coffee with 265mg of caffeine in it, and it would even be cheaper than one with 100mg.

  • What is it that makes coffee better for you than an energy drink? I know they usually have an obscene amount of sugar and caffeine, but you can get that in coffee too. I make a drink fairly often with 4 shots of espresso, around 250mg of caffeine. It doesn’t have that much sugar but I could easily add as much as I wanted. A normal cup of coffee would of course be much better than an energy drink, but if energy drinks should have restrictions then why shouldn’t coffee too?