Giver of skulls

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Joined 101 years ago
Cake day: June 6th, 1923


  • I’m guessing someone who has been deleted (spammer?) sent you a PM after you already cleared your notifications. The notification counter goes down to -1, the app sees notification_count != 0 and draws a special little marker for the negative notification count.

    Hopefully the problem will fix itself next time you get a notification. If this isn’t what happened, I have no idea how you would fix this without database access. Ask the server admins in that case, I guess.

  • I don’t think instance level blocks should be overridden. Some blocks are the result of moderation disagreements (beehaw vs vs exploding-heads vs hexbear), others are because of NSFW content, but there are a bunch of Fediverse servers full of pornography that would be illegal to host in many countries around the world (lolicon porn, for instance). If an administrator doesn’t want that trash on their server, they should have the ability to block it.

    I think there’s a significant difference between completely blocking off a remote instance and making all interactions with said instance opt-in, and the server administrator should always have the final word. I think leaving the moderation on a separate layer like Nostr and Bluesky do it (not that Bluesky is federating at the moment) was a mistake, the result of some laudable free speech ideals that just don’t work out in the real world.

  • I think limiting/silencing is an excellent solution. It gives the people who want to interact with Threads a chance, while not disturbing the people who don’t.

    In regards to Lemmy: I’ve seen a few Mastodon users tag Lemmy communities and creating posts here (generating some hilariously broken Markdown titles in the process), so we may see a few posts here or there. I don’t think anyone over at Threads knows what the Threadiverse is, though, so it shouldn’t cause any problems.

    1. Instance moderators can block individual servers, as can account owners on services like Mastodon.
      • People are afraid that Threads will suck up all their posts and do something bad with them (privacy violations of some kind? not sure what the problem is when the content is already out there for anyone to crawl and analyse). People are also afraid that this will be another XMPP, and that the popularity of Threads will overwhelm the small Fediverse.

    XMPP is a federated messaging protocol that Google and Facebook adopted at some point; Google’s/Facebook’s implementations became much more popular, the majority of the XMPP network was on those services, and when XMPP was phased out, XMPP shrunk back to the tiny userbase of enthusiasts that it originally comprised of. It has grown to be actually useful since then but neither Google nor Facebook have enabled XMPP again (i.e. you can actually keep your chat history on multiple devices, E2EE has been added, some standards have been grouped together to make the protocol more palatable). However, with MIMI+MLS on the horizon, I imagine XMPP users will be able to talk to Facebook/GChat users in the future.

    1. Yes, Meta can already access and scrape most content on the Fediverse if they wanted to. The exceptions Mastodon and services that copied Mastodon’s solution, which have a setting to only allow fetching posts for logged-in users or from servers that sign requests, effectively allowing the administrators to choose which servers can access their content at the cost of posts being inaccessible on the website without a local account.
      • Public information received by a partaking ActivityPub server includes usernames, display names, post contents, edit history upvotes/downvotes/favourites, boosts, and some other activity. Scrapers cannot find out who upvoted posts and in many cases who favourited posts but by scraping across different servers, it’s possible to figure out what accounts are liking what posts.
      • Something that many Mastodon operators have done is limit or silence Threads; basically, you can follow Threads users and interact with them, but their content will not appear on any algorithmic timeline and accounts on those servers will not be suggested to new users. Lemmy has no such ability at the moment, but I can’t imagine Threads interacting with Lemmy in the first place; we can’t even follow accounts on Lemmy, as far as I know following a Lemmy community through Threads would be as useless and spammy as it is on Mastodon. At the moment Threads users can’t follow Fediverse users anyway, they’ve only enabled outgoing traffic so far.

  • It’s important to note that the CLA does not take ownership of your commit. To quote the CLA:

    (a) You retain ownership of the Copyright in Your Contribution and have the same rights to use or license the Contribution which You would have had without entering into the Agreement.

    All the CLA does, is say “I agree that Canonical can use my code under another license if they want to”. Your contribution is still yours.

    I would also argue that by enforcing AGPL rather than Apache, the community gets more ownership. I’d rather have seen Canonical not require a CLA so they can sell the software you’re contributing, but AGPL forces everyone but Canonical to open up their custom versions to their customers, which are free to rehost it elsewhere and help bring the changes upstream, of course.

    As for ownership: LXD was started by Canonical. The name and trademark is theirs, and they control the upstream project. Like always, you can reject their terms and provide your changes under another license, but as the article states, Oracle is free to take your Apache2 changes and use them for practically any purpose as long as they put a copy of the license next to their code and give you credit. That includes selling the software. Not just Oracle either, of course; IBM/Red Hat and Oracle can do the very same.

    The community should own everything.

    In a perfect world I agree, but then the community should take over doing the actual work. Right now, almost all of the work on open source is done by companies and organisations such as KDE and Gnome with their own committees and politics.

    Software for some products don’t have company-supplied software (i.e. Asahi Linux, although they do have parts of the Darwin kernel for reference) but those devices also often take ages to become usable. There are also plenty of projects funded by charities and such, but most of those form some kind of organisation that owns the copyright by default.

    the only REALLY good company for the Linux ecosystem as of right now is Valve

    They brought Linux to the mainstream by locking down most of the customisability and by promoting running proprietary software. That’s just the way things need to be, but I’m not sure if the Linux ecosystem should be that happy about these developments.

    Canonical fucks us with snap

    It takes two minutes to install Flatpak and remove Snap. Their apt-to-snap transition is stupid and annoying, but it’s a very minor issue.

    Red Hat kills X11

    Red Hat stops maintaining for free now that a better replacement is (almost) ready. The community is free to set up an effort to prolong X11’s life span, of course.

    Google is closed

    More and more closed (mostly on Android, because as it turned out, the people taking the Android source code and distributing their own forks didn’t contribute back much), but Android and Chrome are still almost completely open. Your alternatives are iOS (closed for all but the reference kernel), Sailfish (Android app support necessary for real world use but closed and paid), Ubuntu Touch (using the Android HAL, so about as open as Android), and the various Linux distros that can barely do power management and often lack features such as “placing a call”; Google still provides some of the best open source software for mobile devices.

    Google’s ChromeOS is perhaps the weird exception here, being basically a closed-ish source Linux distribution. All the components that power it (Linux, Chromium, Android) are open source, but the special sauce that makes those useful for end users is closed.

    nVidia is closed and buggy

    Buggy? Yes, 100%. One day I will be able to use Wayland without random stutters and crashes!

    Closed? Not for recent GPUs. Starting at the GTX1650/1660, the drivers are completely open source, with only the firmware being closed like on every other GPU. The closed nature of earlier cards (which still requires something like the GPL condom) still sucks, but they’re clearly improving.

  • I use the app’s by local transit services and organisations (9292, NS) and so far that’s working out pretty well.

    They don’t have the reminder to indicate when your stop is coming up, but the last two or three times I tried to use that with Google Maps it just didn’t warn me, so I don’t think I’m missing out on much.

    There are a bunch of open source transit apps as well, but little work as well as Google does when it comes to planning trips and finding alternatives. Sometimes there just isn’t any open data about public transit and only a few shitty commercial apps have up to date information, but you could always check Google if the routes they suggest seem inefficient or too good to be true.

  • Technically speaking, little is stopping anyone from doing this.

    I’m not sure what you’d gain by this, though. You just end up being flagged as a malicious bot and blocked by most instances, and probably hated by most of your audience.

    Post privacy is mostly “please be nice and respect my wishes”. Not doing that is just dick thing to do.

    Also, depending on how the search engine is set up (personal project? independent organisation? receiving donations?) this could end up falling afoul to the GDPR and other data protection laws.

    Unless you’re in it to make money by selling data, getting rid of the goodwill people have for useful Fediverse services just sounds counterproductive. The whole Fediverse network is a privacy compliance nightmare (why do you think Threads is doing one-way ActivityPub traffic at the moment?) and the only reasons half the servers aren’t shut down or fined is that most people don’t dislike any of them enough to take proper legal action.

  • User side blocking will hide the communities but not the comments from others.

    On the other hand, interacting with Lemmy from a Twitter style timeline sucks, so I doubt we’ll see any Threads people on here.

    If it’s about data mining, there’s absolutely nothing preventing Threads from doing that already, as the entire protocol is completely open. All they need is one server that subscribes to every community, and every comment and upvote comes flowing in. One account on one beefy sever is all they need.

  • You can load Rust into Python just fine. In fact, several packages have started requiring a Rust compiler on platforms thst don’t get prebuilt binaries. It’s why I installed Rust on my phone.

    The build files for Rust are bigger than you may expect, but they’re not unreasonably big. Languages like Python and Java like to put their dependencies in system folders and cache folders outside of their project so you don’t notice them as often, but I find the difference not that problematic. The binaries Rust generates are often huge but if you build in release mode rather than debug mode and strip the debug symbols, you can quickly remove hundreds of megabytes of “executable” data.

    Rust can be told to export things in the C FFI, which is how Python bindings are generally accomplished (although you rarely deal with those because of all the helper crates).

    Statically compiled code will also load into processes fine, they just take up more RAM than you may like. The OS normally deduplicates dynamically loaded libraries across running processes, but with statically compiled programs you only get the one blob (which itself then gets deduplicated, usually).

    Rust can also load and access standard DLLs. The safety assertions do break, because these files are accessed through the C FFI which is marked unsafe automatically, but that doesn’t need to be a problem.

    There are downsides and upsides to static compilation, but it doesn’t really affect glue languages like Python or Typescript. Early versions of Rust lacked the C FFI and there are still issues with Rust programs dynamically loading other Rust programs without going through the C FFI, but I don’t think that’s a common issue at all.

    I don’t see Rust replace all of C either, because I think Rust is a better replacement for C++ than for C. The C parts it does replace (parsers, drivers, GUIs, complex command line tools) weren’t really things I would write in C in the first place. There are still cars where Rust just fails (it can’t deal with running out of memory, for one) so languages like Zig will always have their place.

  • Manjaro has a guide. AUR support works fine 99% of the time, but sometimes it breaks, usually by blocking upgrades because dependency versions don’t match.

    Do not file issues with the AUR/Arch forums for broken AUR packages on Manjaro. AUR packages can (will) be broken occasionally or throw update errors during times when Manjaro lags behind Arch (usually lasts up to two weeks or so). There is nothing the AUR people or the Arch people can do for you to fix these errors when you enable the AUR on Manjaro; the AUR is designed to work with Arch and Arch derived software, Manjaro’s “freeze for a couple of weeks to let software stabilise” release approach is not something the AUR takes into account or cares for.

    I type this because a lot of people start support threads on Arch forums while running Manjaro, which is a waste of time for everyone on the Arch side who volunteers to help new users. It’s the source of a lot of friction.

    Alternatively, you could use something like this instead; all that needs is Docker and a web browser.