• 5 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 1st, 2023


  • Especially with how much it holds your hand in understanding how it works. I’d know, because I’ve used the damn thing.

    I think the people getting stung by the commentary here, are really people who I’ve personally called out in my comment alone. They also don’t like the truth of what’s being told in general as well.

    I’ve pirated for over 16 years myself and I know my end goal was always to get free shit, but it became more than that where I’ve started to pay attention about the scope of pirating. I got better and understood better as I went along. In other words, I’m more of a wary pirate these days than stupidly bumbling myself around and relying on all of these services to stay up forever, for my leisure.

    The worst I’ve ever gotten in my entire history of pirating was just an ISP letter. A single letter. I didn’t get fined, arrested, raided, dragged to court or anything. Done it all in America, the place where it was a hotbed where a lot of that was going on with other people caught downloading and uploading.

    And I side with all of the pirates who’re fighting a good fight by keeping the practice alive and duping the entertainment industry at every turn. I side with other wary pirates who’d scoff and cold shoulder the idiots who refuse to learn, hell that’s why some places are fucking invite only, for christ sake! They don’t want stupid scrubs coming into their turf and fucking things up for the rest of them and asking a hundred dumb questions they’ve don’t got the time to answer. Especially when they’ve been answered as much as it’s been asked!

  • I’ll take those downvotes as admission of guilt, thank you.

    You’re very much on point. I see it all of the time, people are just holding out their hands more for free stuff than giving a single shit about the cause of piracy. “Plz give me link to download photoshop” or “plz give me seeds to download torrent of this AAA game, plz” almost all of the time. They decorate it through many guises of reasons but the bottom line is still the same - “I just want free shit”.

    And this year alone has seen a lot of awful losses for the pirating community as a whole. RARBG is gone, Uloz is gone (from what it once was anyways), 13DL is gone, Webtoon will soon be gone, Fmoviesto is gone. These are very huge sources of all of the pirated media we’ve taken for granted over the years. And when they all went down, one by one, the sentiment wasn’t “awww, I’m going to miss them” in sincerity. It’s more like “aww, now where will I get my free shit now?” and they offer absolutely no resolutions except for the more savvy folks.

    I blame loud-mouth, entitled and selfish pirates for why these services get shut down. I blame them because they’re the ones going around online just yapping and yapping, eventually it’ll catch the interests of undesired people or people who are morally conflicted on piracy. They take action, for however long it takes, the service is shut down and everyone is shit out of luck.

    They’re the same idiots who storm to pirate communities all like “WHUT DU I DU? I GUT A LETTRH FROM MUH ISP AND I JUST DUWNLUDED SHIT” and 9 times out of 10, people have to spell it out for them that the reason they get caught is because of no VPN or mistrusting the wrong VPN services or not watching their fucking backs.

    Now on the other hand, I will not jeer for the times pirating has it’s victories, like this one. Because it’d be dismissive and ignorant to ignore the elephant in the room that the core reason why piracy still continues is become of the stomping of consumer rights and the draconian practices of the entertainment industry that not a lot of people are holding accountable for why shit is the way it is.

  • I’m at odds about the whole violence thing. People should be allowed to express how they feel, even if it means that they express the most grotesque way in how they’d like to handle someone they don’t like. One cannot always assume someone will have the means and resources necessary to carry out the perfect murder on someone.

    If we are to glorify the concept of anonymity, why are we so afraid of these kinds of expressions? You won’t know who I am, you won’t know where I am and you won’t know much about me unless I give out details or hints to either of those things. I’ve long stopped making death threats to people online years ago because it sounded absolutely ridiculous, knowing that I’ll never be able to reach the person whom I hate. Much less, even go through with the threat at all.

    That doesn’t mean I shouldn’t be allowed to express how nice it’d be if I held someone’s head down while riding an escalator as the feed of the steps gradually grates the skin off their face.

    I think this is really just a symptom of how social media of all walks on the internet don’t really do enough in the way of security and privacy so that these things are simply just that - expressions.

  • Okay, I wish some people would stop going with the hyperbole that the moment people did something like this, it’d equal instant chaos. Not to say it wouldn’t happen, but the fact that people always project it as immediately happening, is getting old.

    That turned me off from the video. It’s about as bad as a video I once watched, that toyed with the matter of what would life be without the government. And in that video, it went totally batshit with how there would be no water, schools would be poorly maintained and everywhere else would be post-apocalyptic. Like, what the fuck kind of scenario does that have to do without a government? There’s more variables at play with that kind of scenario than being without a government. I digress.

    But for the subject at hand, I’ve thought often about this sort of thing. I think if we stopped working, things would just be majorly inconvenient. I can realistically see stores being shoplifted because after a while, people see no point in waiting and getting off because there would be no one monitoring the cameras because everyone staffed at the store wouldn’t be there anymore.

    I just find it hard to imagine officers, nurses, doctors .etc just giving up working because those are civic essentials we can’t really go without. A doctor midway during surgery just throwing their arms up and saying “fuck it”? No, I find it a little unrealistic. They’d be a murderer by negligence and I think that’s something they can’t live with.

    I can mostly see lots of retail workers, lots of fast food workers, lots of office workers, lots of construction workers .etc abandoning their jobs more that’ll affect those industries and making an impact. It’ll just make things incredibly inconvenient and frustrating.

    Now, what I’d want to see is people completely stop paying taxes every year. Millions of people, no longer paying taxes. Does it dare the government to arrest everyone or what? That’d be an entertaining thought.

  • Why not stand up and fight?

    You know, instead of preaching these infantile ideals in how to really make change. I’m more ready for individuals who actually have a more thought-out plan in how to achieve what we need to do.

    And so far, yet, I’ve not seen anyone really do it and I’d be including myself before anyone makes that jab later. It’s just very tiring to see people rush to social media and think that their posts will be heard or read that’ll make some significant impact. When, there’s absolutely no organizational structure in place or any motives in how to go about the things we all keep daydreaming of happening.

    Guess it’s too easy to daydream than get off of our asses and make the sacrifices required to make change. Not if we have to miss another minute of being online in a boring dystopia that is what the internet has become to all piss our time away looking at memes and making memes.

  • We do. It’s called the constitution and whatever liberties we’ve installed.

    The problem is the toothless actions that have been taken, to enforce these things. Too much bargaining, bypassing and bribing.

    But if we give them a strongly worded letter or a warning or a caution - that’ll get things done! That’ll be like telling that child or pet not to do something even though you know they’ll do it anyways and once they do it, you go “aw schucks!” before fixing the issue and cycling back again.

  • It’s not just him.

    In my eyes, the following individuals are dangers to the world and society:

    Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, Sundar Pichai, Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, Ebrahim Raisi, Ron DeSantis, Mitch McConnell, John Thune, Susan Collins, Tom Cotton, Ted Cruz, Greg Abbott, Benjamin Netanyahu, Jeff Bezos, Warren Buffet, Mike Johnson

    And everybody else I hadn’t named but behave similarly to or exactly like these piles of collective shits. What a fucking time to be alive, said no one unironically. Damn I have to keep almost coming back to this comment to edit because of a name of some other asshole I just remembered to tack onto this list, it’s horrible.