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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: September 26th, 2023


  • Legit have had conversations with people where they position themselves as superior because they use “the same password” but with an @ instead of an a, or an extra 0 at the end.

    Password Managers are really the best solution to using 1 password everywhere without actually putting yourself at risk. 1 password, to unlock the manager, that lets you copy/paste logins.

    But nope 99% of all bullshit I experience in my friends and family is “but thats too complicated” or “thats too hard” when its 200% fucking not.

    I’m calling them out. These are shit excuses for what their real issue is which is “i don’t wanna change my habits” which is just childish and ignorant.

    Even if its easier, even if its safer. If its different, then they don’t want to even try it.

    There are some people who will have “always used” a spoon to dig holes, and if you showed them a shovel, they’d complain that it’s too hard or too complex, and go back to using the spoon.

  • The issue is they want to run rootkits and malware instead of games.

    Not sorry. Siege, Fortnite, Valorant, all of these games require kernel level access to Windows to run, and the publishers refuse to support Windows.

    The only reason I’d ever play games like this in the past is due to peer pressure from friends to play these shitty games together with a bunch of sweats, cheaters and an overall generally toxic community. Especially Siege.

    Social peer pressure goes both ways. And I’ve basically peaced out on any of these games in my friends group. That was enough to end that game for game nights, and as those games fade from our memory. I make sure what little memory of it remains is the true tainted and awful form from which they originated.

    If you need a kernel level anti-cheat for your game, and nothing else will protect it. Your game is shit, your development cycle is shit, your company is shit, your community is shit, and why would I ever want to play a shit game with shit people from a shit company that forces devs to work under a shit development cycle?