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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • Snaps are centralised packaging, a’la Apple App Store or Google Play. Now if someone forked snapd, added third party repo and made It so you could select which repo is the main one, that’d be a start.

    But as long as Canonical commits to a centralised form of distribution with no third party support I’m going to advise desktop users to stay away from Ubuntu.

  • Germans are confused. They don’t want to be anti-semitic, for obvious reasons, but at the same time are so detached they cannot see the parallels between how the nationalist nazi party and the current Isreali government.

    We have secret police, kidnappings, separate prisons with own interrogation, civilians are tried as soldiers and they are literally performing pogroms to take over land.

    The issue here is of course that a bunch of old dottering liberals are sitting behind the wheel, checking their turn signals and adjusting their glasses, incapable of seeing they just hit a deer. It doesn’t hurt that they too probably believe Palestinians should just up and disappear, because it would be politically convenient.