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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • The article is not very well written. Sometimes it is unclear what they mean exactly, e.g.

    The original sin, however, is in the states themselves, which previously rejected the European Parliament’s proposal to convert rape into a Eurocrime with a common definition, which would have clarified the legal situation

    Does that mean it was also France and Germany who rejected that?

    “The technical work is there, but France and Germany absolutely refuse to include rape [based on consent] in article 5 of the proposed law,”

    What is this article 5 and why did the original speaker not focus on the consent bit but the article writer had to apparently add it. That wouldn’t make any sense if they wanted rape based on some other definition in there.

  • The problem is really that cars are too space inefficient for what they do. Cars travelling at 50km/h should have at the very least 1s of travel distance safety distance between vehicles which is about three car lengths. In other words for the often single person travelling in a car you need about one lane width times 4 car lengths of space which is probably more than your average apartment size in most cities and unlike apartments roads tend to not be stacked 5 or 6 high on top of each other. And that does not even take parking and space to enter and exit each parking space into account. Not to mention that a lot of that space is unused outside the peak usage hours at any given location.