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  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023


  • Most people are still using Java 8 (including android)…

    Surveys don’t seem to back this up any more… Yes there’s a lot of Java 8 code. But more and more of it is maintenance rather than new development. Respondents of surveys that are able to list the versions they use in production (vs ‘pick one’) have indicated that for many teams with exposure to Java 8, they also have newer versions in production - showing that Java 8 is increasingly about maintenance than ongoing development (with the blocks to moving forward being a mix economic and technical factors).

    The most dominant frameworks in the industry are ending their support for Java 8 - so not too far down the track, staying on Java 8 will mean that while you can pay for platform support, framework support is going to disappear anyway.

    …we are currently at ~java 20.

    Yes Java 20 is the current release, with Oracle’s LTS being Java 17 (the previous ones being 17, 11 and 8 - with 8 having the largest paid support window).

    Java 21 is out in a couple of weeks and will become the new Oracle LTS (other vendors and frameworks tend to align on this LTS designation so it continues to be important).

  • Are they kidding.

    This is slavery, not even indentured servitude, let alone a fair exchange of labour for compensation… There is no point at which the slave is released to make use of those skills.

    Any and all skills gained are either used as tools by the owner, or as coping/survival mechanisms by the slave.

    Slavery is, in all ways, an abhorrent exploitation and degradation of a human being.

    That there is even the slightest tolerance for this curriculum change is appalling. Is Florida really so filled with the morally bankrupt and apathetic that this can pass without ending the careers of the contributors?

    How can we ever expect greater progress on stamping out the ongoing modern forms of slavery, when things like this can make its way into the classroom.


    I really hope this change is crushed before it reaches the ears of impressionable children. But the fact that it got this far means that this is the kind of thinking that too many already get at home.

  • I have a Note 10+

    With the way it’s measuring up today for performance and battery life, if it were going to keep getting OS updates and security updates it’d keep being a great phone for another couple of years yet.

    …And compared to some I know, I’m updating frequently.

    I really do wish they’d squeeze another 1-2 OS updates into it’s life-span. But at this rate I’ll still be replacing it with whatever its up-to-date peer is in another year or so…

    …and re-purposing this one - it’s still awesome (awesomer if it allowed root without losing updates and pay-services)

  • Yeah. I’m not a fan of this “in name only” practice. And being a fan of the books, and the greater Asimov universe, I did struggle at first.

    Once I accepted how completely they were going to abandon the original, I did manage to enjoy what they did produce. It wasn’t weaker so much as just a completely different beast.

    Going into S2 with this expectation, if the quality is as high as in S1, it should be well worth a watch.

    (I can’t say the same of Wheel of Time. The TV series is just weaker, it’s a mess, a bigger mess than the first book which definitely had its issues. Damn shame, I really was hoping for an attempt to stay closer to the source without Rafe ‘updating it’ for what he thinks Jordan would have written today)

  • Essentially it boils down to - ways in which they can turn users into money.

    • Control the content you see - Especially ads which provide income. Also injecting posts into your stream regardless of preferences to direct views towards sponsors preferences or to try to extend engagement.
    • More visibility over user activity - It gives them better tools to manipulate users habits (that pesky engagement), and better (for them), user telemetry can be sold (people who like X like Y is useful knowledge but it can go far deeper than this).
    • They want to discourage content that discourages advertisers - mostly this is NSFW content (since the advertisers don’t want their ads showing beside NSFW content) but I expect it’ll begin to span more than that over time.

    With the elimination of third party apps, you can bet that ‘old Reddit’ is on the chopping-block soon too (mostly to boost ad views)

  • I poured way too much time into Rogue, Moria, Angband and Zangband back in the day… Sad to see Zangband completely disappeared - no idea if there’s a similar flavour floating around.

    Played a couple of newer more graphical (and probably better balanced games) but I actually found them less engaging.

    My son was madly into Shattered Pixel Dungeon for a while.