• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • My education practically stopped in the 4th grade. I left school permanently in the 9th grade.

    As a poor kid from Appalachia with no options to learn, having seen the kids around me who didn’t have it, I can’t imagine who I’d be without it.

    Sure, I’m still an idiot, but I’ve been able to read books and study history that I would have had no access to whatsoever. I got to discover music and learn to play instruments. I have a decent understanding of technology while the friends that I grew up with struggle to use a phone.

    I had an old Macintosh Quadra from a school auction that an older man gave me in 1997 and a wealthy uncle who shared his dialup login with me. The guy that gave me the Quadra also gave me several computers throughout my childhood from the 80s and would take my calls at any hour to walk me through DOS commands and things. I’m so thankful for his influence in my life.

    I survived through my 20s by repairing computers. I would have been doomed to starve a thousand times if I didn’t have that skill.

    I feel like it has absolutely been a necessity in my life.

  • Atari 5200 Trek. I absolutely loved that game as a kid and I still have the box and manual to this day.

    That and PacMan are the only two games I had on the system. A beloved neighbor bought it brand new in the box from a yard sale and gave it to me around the the time the SNES came out.

    Once we got that the Atari collected dust. We moved on and beat Super Mario World over and over again.

    I still have a sweet spot for that game. Unfortunately the last time I dug the Atari out the controllers didn’t work any more.

  • I have personally never met anyone who would admit to using something just to show off to their friends. I’m a hillbilly though so maybe it’s a bit different here. That type of talk is almost universally despised in hillbilly honor culture.

    I use an iPhone because I like it. Plain and simple. They’re easy enough for me to do basic repairs (screen and battery replacement), and I have no interest in tinkering with it or anything like that.

    I transitioned from the iPod to the iPod touch and the phone was a no brainer for me. I have photos going back over a decade and everything transfers easily.

  • I don’t shit at work. Now, back in the day when I had my own private bathroom in my office (luck of the draw), I never shit at home.

    I got paid 5.50 an hour (was shitty money even then, but a man could eat) to shit there, and by Krishna I was gonna shit there.

    One day the boss said, “I don’t pay you to poop.” And I said, “Bud, you’ve paid me for every shit I’ve taken for the last four years. I’d like to take a moment to thank you while we’re on the subject.”

    He was not amused haha.

  • I actually met a man from Kazakhstan in my store the other day. He gestured to me that he’d like to sleep in the parking lot and pointed, “in truck. In truck. No English.” Imagine my surprise when I said, “what language?” and this very Asian looking fellow said, “Russian. But not me Russian. Me Kazakhstan”.

    I got to use the translate app on my phone for the first time and when I said, “Ah, I’ve heard of Kazakhstan. I seen Borat.” He said, “No no no, uh, he is from London. He is not really from Kazakhstan. We hate him. We’re so tired of him. That is not what we are really like.” I said, “Oh I know that Kazakhstan is a former Soviet country and you guys are nothing like that. Borat is a man from England. He’s a comedian. I know it’s a joke.” “Oh it makes me so happy you know about the real Kazakhstan.” He said.

    Then I ordered him a pizza to be delivered to his truck.

    It was a fun experience meeting him. He was a great guy.

    We talked for hours using the Google translate app.

    There were a couple of gaffs. I realized after he left when I said “nice to meet you.” It heard, “it was nice to me too.” But otherwise it worked pretty well. It amazes me that we can do that nowadays.

  • It took me way too long to realize that a lot of people think like you do and then project it onto the rest of us.

    No. If I’m being honest, I would pass at the chance to have power. I’m not arrogant enough to believe that I’d do the right thing with it. I have a small handful of people who have suffered at my hands throughout my life and I have a hard enough time sleeping over that.

    To know that I was making the quality of life worse for people who I’d never even know for my own sake would break me. I’d deserve it too.

    Unfortunately, the people who I’ve know that exercise power over their fellow man don’t seem to lose a wink of sleep. They justify everything, but they’re miserable and they don’t have any real friends. They’re constantly paranoid that people are out to take something from them because they are. Some people try to reach the pockets above the foot on their back to take what they can from the situation. I can’t relate to them either, but I can at least empathize with them.