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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023

  • Tests.
    Target the “business logic”.
    You can structure your code to facilitate unit or integration testing.
    Setup tests for the key functionality. Whenever a bug gets reported, create a test or test case to address that bug, fix the bug, and ensure the test now passes.

    Have a staging environment, so the site can be interacted with and tested without touching anything in production.
    You can push to this often, and request some help with QA to ensure nothing is broken.

    Have a testing environment. Again, a complete duplication of the infrastructure.
    Set up end-to-end tests. These automate interactions with the entire application.
    Have tests that run against key features. “Setup appropriate state, load form page, fill in form, click button, check that database entries are correct”… “setup appropriate state, check that submission summary shows correct data”.
    These are quite handy, but a lot slower and fragile than unit and integration tests.

    There are automated testing platforms that can capture a “good” state of a website, then use image matching to ensure further runs visually match what it should look like.
    These are normally expensive and finiky.

    Hopefully you will get to a stage with your testing that your unit and integration tests catch 90% of your potential bugs, and e2e tests will ensure the core functionality is working correctly.
    Then, as you do a bunch of work, you can run your tests, see they all pass, and be confident.

    Finally, I will say that tooling like frameworks and typescript can catch a lot of these errors quite quickly.
    However, these won’t catch logic bugs - which is what tests are for.

  • How about, they were both utterly terrible?
    Like, what does it matter?

    British Empire were shits, enslaved people, stole relics/art/wealth, murdered people, tortured people, probably experimented on people.
    Nazis were shits, enslaved people, stole relics/art/wealth, murdered people, tortured people, experimented on people.

    The Nazi’s atrocities are certainly better documented.
    Both because they are more recent in history, and because they were the losers. The winner’s atrocities were less likely to be documented throughout history.

  • Go to steam, right click the game and browse local files.
    Navigate to something like Deep Rock Galactic\FSD\Content\Movies and delete (or move) them.

    I’ve played other games with annoying intros. Normally, deleting the files means the don’t play on startup.
    Where they are depends on the game. A quick Google found this solution.

    You will probably have to re-delete them after an update, and after running a “verify local files”.
    I’ve done this with EAC games without issues (incase you are worried)

  • On money counting…
    Well, $500 and $1000 bill was discontinued in 1969.
    So, if you are dealing with those bills, you are dealing with collectors who will be more particular.
    So, let’s got with $100 bills.
    Googling “fastest bill counter” gives the “JetScan iFX i100” which can do 1600 bills per minute.
    Which is only 6.25 minutes for $1M in $100 bills.
    And it had counterfeit detection.
    Honestly, that’s a hell of a lot faster than I expected.
    If the bank has/uses automated machines for customer deposits.

    Anyway, I don’t think a bank would accept a $1M deposit.
    Any deposits over $10,000 require special processing by the IRS.
    Indeed, all financial institutions need to abide by “know your customer” rules.

    If you are a regular banker than has a $50k salary and you rock up with $1M cash, a bank is going to refuse you. Or at least do a hell of a lot of due-diligence.
    It’s all about anti-laundering and anti-terrorism these days, and they need to manage the risk of having you as a customer.
    If you have a history of big cash deposits, then it might be easier.

    Even then, chances are you would have to go to a fairly major branch of a bank for them to be able to accept the risk of holding $1M in cash.

    I know modern banking is “Money in, money out. So easy”.
    But beyond certain thresholds, risk management, government agencies and laws all come into effect. And you can bet your ass, a bank will be wanting to minimise their risk!

  • All it does for me is double down the imposter-syndrome.
    I’m not good at this… People keep hiring me, maybe I’m alright at it. Dunning-Kuger is a thing, maybe my “people keep hiring me” ego is making me blind.
    And yet, every day I do cool things, I learn new cool things, I redo old things with my new knowledge
    But still… I’m just pretending

  • Which is awesome.
    I actually have no idea where Blockchain tech could exist.
    A reputation could be an excellent example. But if it can be manipulated or gamed, it kinda makes it pointless.
    At which point a centralised registry makes sense.
    As long as the central registrar can be trusted.
    But I don’t think Blockchain solves that point of trust.

    So, once again, turns out Blockchain tech is pretty useless.

  • I think getting to a bank, explaining where 1M in cash came from, getting them to accept the deposit, getting them to count it, then spending it in less than an hour is not feasible.

    Because, depositing it in a bank is not enough.
    It has to be spent.
    So, if you don’t spend it then the bank is left without however much disappears… If that makes sense.

    And, given that, I don’t think investing is a suitable application.
    Otherwise, just invest it directly at the bank.
    Maybe you don’t get inflation-beating interest (ie, if it was your 1M you would be losing money), but after whatever-term you get 1M of clean money to spend.