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Cake day: July 9th, 2023


  • With one barely mentioned planet, this episode reframed the plot originally designed to hold together TNG, DS9, and Voyager.

    Federation authorities insisted the DMZ colonies were recent and had been warned they were disputed territory. They painted a picture like Israeli settlers in Gaza refusing to obey their own government and leave.

    But now we have a Federation affiliated colony on Setlik 2 a century earlier.

    The UFP’s failure to stop the Maquis terrorists always seemed like command wanted the war restarted with plausible deniability. Now the Maquis arguments are stronger. Ceding long-held territory is much easier to call abandonment.

  • Spock is the first or only Vulcan in Starfleet. The crew of the Intrepid would like a word.

    These can be tough, since three generations of fans have worked on later shows or ancillary official materials. E.g. Startrek.com used to say that about Spock.

    Lots about Klingon history: they stole warp tech from the hurq, the hurq (who came after Kahless and stole his relics) are the gods of ancient Klingon myth. Klingon warrior culture is a recent aberration (claims one lawyer whose parents were undervalued academics). Kahless lived a thousand years before TNG. That’s only half the time since Surak or Charlemagne, but fans want to see him more like King Arthur or Robin Hood.