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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I’m not sure if this is helpful to you or not, because it’s not what you asked. I just don’t mount them on boot though.

    I have a script that requires a unique password that decrypts everything that I actually care about. If that hasn’t been run, then the server starts emailing me every 15 minutes until I do.

    The server is not setup to reboot unless I manually tell it to or there is a power outage, so logging in to run the script has never really been an issue. At most, I’ve had to SSH in from my phone maybe a handful of times.

  • I mean… Yea. Yea it is. They want to:

    1. Fill the thing with ads
    2. Control the entire user experience
    3. Track everything you do in that experience
    4. Prevent users from accessing any low level system changes
    5. Fill the thing with ads

    They’re not even being subtle about it:

    “The Copilot is like the Start button,” Nadella explains. “It becomes the orchestrator of all your app experiences. So for example, I just go there and express my intent and it either navigates me to an application or it brings the application to the Copilot, so it helps me learn, query and create — and completely changes, I think, the user habits.”

  • That is… Not quite the same as I thought whenever I read that word. Around here, a co-op is a collective purchasing program or a store that participates in a similar program. They buy foods in bulk at wholesale prices. By bulk, I don’t mean the family size bags available at a membership club like Costco. I mean like a 100lb bag of flour meant for a restaurant or an entire pallet of something.

    A group of people get together and make note of what they want to buy, and if enough people want the same item it gets purchased. Then they all meet up on delivery day and split the item at the amounts they paid for.

    I’m assuming that is very different than what you are describing.

  • Donald trump was never elected by the people in the first place, and he abused a ridiculous system created to fluff up the power of states with comparatively few people living in them. When that didn’t work the second time around, he started a misinformation campaign and flat out attempted to undermine the democracy our nation is built upon in multiple ways.

    Including him in your comment destroys your otherwise excellent point, because the Donald is exactly the type of person that would abuse this system to censor information he didn’t like.