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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 3rd, 2023

  • I use Linux MX on my gaming desktop and LMDE on my laptop. I also have an encrypted LMDE VM that I use for some working stuff, since I have to use Windows on my company PC (but we’re allowed to have Virtualbox on it).

    The desktop is pretty new, I built it a month ago after almost 10 years, it’s i9 and rtx 4070. The laptop is several years old (HP spectre), but since the previous one gave me so many headaches with nvidia optimus, I decided to go full Intel, I’m happy I did because I had no problems with it whatsoever, Intel only on laptops for me going on.

  • Regulating doesn’t mean blocking, AI needs to be regulated, it should have been already done, look at stuff like deep fakes, some done even with dead people, fakes with actors faces and voices without their consent, and so on, it’s not just about training, it’s also about how the results are effectively used.

    And the fact the training is expensive doesn’t mean everyone should have free reign about it, especially when noone cares about the reliability of the datasets they’re using, of the ethical aspects of it.

    As for reddit, we’ve been already shafted, that’s why we’re on lemmy now.

  • On our company PCs we have both Edge and Chrome, after the latest Windows update a few days ago, every time I try to set Chrome as default browser, a window pops up saying something on the lines of “are you sure? please try out the fabulous Edge first, you might change your mind”.

    That annoys me to no end, first we are in EU, where Microsoft has been fined in the past for not allowing a browser choice, second, we’re talking about Windows ENTERPRISE !!, keep that shit out of it, policies on PCs are decided at enterprise level, you can’t spam users about it.

  • Appending reddit to google search has become the only way to get meaningful search results, without it it’s a shitshow of clickbait garbage, I can’t imagine what it will become if it’s not allowed anymore to index reddit data.

    I understand companies not wanting data to be scraped for AI training for free, it’s not only reddit according to the article, also news sites, I think it’s a legit concern.

    I believe at this point governments should wake up and regulate the matter of AI training globally, leaving it to individual companies will only damage users all over the world.

  • downloading pirated material is perfectly legal and it’s just the uploading of the pirated material that’s a breach of copyright

    Not sure if you just worded it wrong or you’re confusing piracy with copyright.

    Anyway, piracy involves circumventing a protection system to get something for free instead of paying for it. DVDs for example not only contain copyrighted material, they also have copy protection systems to avoid unauthorized distribution, downloading is illegal as much as uploading since you’re getting a copy on which the protection system has been broken on purpose.

    Copyright violation, on the other hand, happens only if you publish something you didn’t make without the authorization of the original author, so downloading copyrighted material - that doesn’t have any protection system - is perfectly legal, uploading it is not.

  • I agree with you, just wanted to add a couple things.

    Be aware that not eating meat, while being an amazing stance for many reasons, doesn’t prevent animal testing, since animals used in labs are bred specifically for that purpose, they don’t come from the food industry nor they have anything to do with it. In the country I live there’s a law that says that each lab animal can be used only for one experiment and when experimenting is done, if they don’t end up with permanent damage, they can be given away to rehab organizations for adoption, otherwise they must be euthanized.

    I think many countries (EU at least) might have similar laws, people just don’t know, like I didn’t until I went to a non-profit org specialized in rehab of rabbits, guinea pigs and rats used for animal testing, to adopt a rabbit (I kept them as pets for many years, they’re fantastic pets). I learned a lot from them.

    will infiltrate and target labs and try to expose them any way they can

    Their intentions are good but infiltrating labs to release animals, without knowing anything about them, is wrong, it’s being ignorant of the consequences.

    For example, rabbits used in labs are mostly new zealand breed because they are very tame compared to other breeds, they’re also among the biggest. Rabbits in general have very fragile bones, big breeds (more than others) need to grow up in spaces that grant them movement to be able to develop muscles to sustain their weight, they don’t in labs, they’re kept in very small cages all their life, so if you release them without proper rehab, the first time they try to stand up on their hind legs (rabbits do that instinctively) they’ll break their spine and die, just like that.

    All lab animals in general live in cages all their lives, suddenly “throwing” them out in the wild to fend for themselves, is condemning them to die horrible deaths. That’s not to say staying in a lab is better, but what those people do is irresponsible.

  • The solution is using a distro that has support for containers (flatpaks preferably) but doesn’t force them on you, so far I haven’t found a single use case in which they’re truly needed on desktop so apt update still does everything for me.

    There’s some software that I compile myself (emulators), it cannot be upgraded with a packet manager but that has always been the case.

    I use Linux MX but there are other distros with the same approach. It also makes it really easy to see if you’re installing them because flatpak is a separated repository from non-container apps (I think it’s also updated by the package manager but I haven’t tried so far).

  • Yes I was referring to snaps.

    distribution hopping will add lots of unnecessary frustration for me.

    That’s a fair point. Cinnamon is the desktop manager and it’s been the only one available on LMDE so far, in any case, it’s perfectly fine to use Mint, just know that if they ever decide to make LMDE their primary, you have nothing to worry about, being already used to Cinnamon we’ll make it so you won’t notice the difference at all, LMDE is still Mint after all.

  • It’s been a while since I installed Debian directly, anyway I believe it’s a godsend as a base and amazing as a server, but for desktop usage I prefer derivatives because I find them more user friendly.

    LMDE vs MX: they’re both really good, MX is a bit more “nerdy”, LMDE is beautiful out of the box and has the total friendliness of Mint, MX (XFCE) is a little more barebones when it comes to user apps/GUIs but it has some fantastic tools to get into its customization, more flexible than LMDE from that point of view.

  • Ubuntu is based on Debian. LMDE have existed as a backup plan in case something wrong happened to Ubuntu, Mint could still go on without problems.

    Using LMDE is like just removing a “middle-man”: Debian --> Ubuntu --> Mint, Debian --> LMDE. (I’ve been using LMDE for a few years on my notebook while on my gaming desktop I use Linux MX, also based directly on Debian).

    I understand some people don’t want Ubuntu to avoid commercial distributions but for me the reasons are different.

    Ubuntu LTS is base on the testing branch of Debian, while non-LTS are based on Debian sid, that is the development branch, in both cases you lose - in my opinion - one of the biggest advantages of using Debian that is rock-solid stability, sid packages are not controlled by Debian security team so in that case you also lose out on security.

    Another reason is Ubuntu have been trying to push their own sort of “proprietary” version of containers that have been proven times and again to have serious security flaws. They also use them everywhere and I don’t like that, I want to be free to decide if/when to use them, not being forced to do so for everything.

    Sometimes they make very questionable decisions, like when they wanted to discontinue libraries for 32bit compatibility (while Debian does not), ignoring there’s still a huge amount of 32bit software that cannot be recompiled to 64bit (mostly Windows games), that made me question they know what they’re doing.