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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • I didn’t think there’s anything wrong with using a domino. Not every channel explains that you can use a dowel jig.

    A real problem in DIY video is treating materials cost as the only cost to taking on a project. I’ve definitely seen at a bunch of them demonstrate doing a project in a way that requires a certain tool without explaining alternatives. I’ve seen many videos that get a job done for under 50 dollars because they have a full shop on hand.

  • The main thing I want from ES6 is the same level of modability as Skyrim. I’d love for it to be as stable as Starfield.

    I didn’t think the need to dump creation to make a great game, they just need to stop trying to polish the rust. Some aspects of Creation aren’t amazing but the staying power of Bethesda games has been about modding a compelling world in a well supported way. They need to ensure that whatever they do that they don’t lose that.

    I think Starfield has a lot going for it but I don’t find the world compelling enough to want to spend time in the way I did Skyrim. I enjoyed the time I did spend but I don’t see that itch coming back. Starfield made me want to play a space game with magic, but I’ve I got it’s magic unlocked I didn’t feel that desire was fulfilled.

  • I think an important factor is how the host treats the misinformation. If they push back on it, you know they aren’t inviting those people due to agreement.

    Real time with Bill Maher has people of all sorts of perspectives on but he usually actively debates against positions he disagrees with.

    There’s lots of valid criticism of the guy but he at least tries to his ability to present a fair argument.

    If you don’t feel like misinformation is being called out on that site then it may be questionable. Don’t shy away from a content creator just for having questionable guests. Turn them off because you don’t like how they handle those guests.

  • The only red flags in a real relationship are how you treat the other person and yourself. Don’t put dating on a pedestal. It’s just 2 people hanging out and getting to know one another.

    It’s not the same for everybody. Some people find lots of success with apps. Others meet people at social events. Some meet at work. Just be yourself around people and pay attention to who you jive with on a personal level.

    Weight shouldn’t be a problem. The reality is that everybody has things they are attracted to and for some people weight can be a factor. Only loose weight for your own happiness, though. Don’t do it to attract a partner because that’s not a good way to maintain a lifestyle change and your own happiness is paramount with changes like that.

  • I’m a defender who is trying to learn more about offense. Recently I decided to install a Windows VM in virt-manager and started doing some recon on it.

    What I found is the only port listening on a default install of Windows 10 pro is 7680 which is for Windows Update Download Optimization and I have no idea where to proceed from there.

    Is there any good beginner resources that start from using a single Windows target and work out from there?

  • If he’s getting to the first round of technical interviews then it’s likely not a languages issue. That’s the round that many companies put you in front of a mid-level dev who arrogantly asks you a code-kata question and refuses to answer questions. It may be that he’s not inherently good at solving the toy box problems on the spot. That’s the issue I tend to have in these rounds.

    Though I guess it could be a languages issue if the mid level dev doesn’t know the language you’re doing the problem in and marks you down for that.

  • It’s only worth it if you’re planning to work in Java or one of the other JVM languages.

    If that’s what you are striving for, is worth it to spend the effort ahead of time. If your goal is more agnostic to tech stack, learning Spring Boot won’t be worth it until you land a role that uses it.

    It might be worth dipping your toes in the water anyways. But frameworks like that shouldn’t be bothered with without inherent interest or need.

    Personally, I’ve no interest in working in Java, Scala, or Kotlin so I’ll skip it.