• 11 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2023


  • Obsidian note taking app is available for pretty much every platform including from the google store. There are a few great video tutorial on how you can leverage some of the advanced features.

    Personally i tend to do a thing with reference notes which act as a summary of a topic wich links to more detailed pages where stuff is explained on a deeper level.

    It really helps to get an overview of your world and its balance, if your like me its easier to write 5 papers deepdive about the logic used for the fictive technology and science then it is to explain what the main stories are actually all about. The method I mentioned allows you to get into those long vast details in their own notes and there just Linked on the reference note with a short summary of what the file explains. You can also put ideas you have yet to detail on the reference note so it always provides an overview everything and what still needs work.

    When world building gets bigger you will want reference files for your reference files and thats where obsidian pretty much seems made for.


    About Arch, I actually forgot how easy i had it. 15 minute install, had only little experience with Ubuntu before but i saw a video of a hyprland rice and just got sold in an instant. This very easy to install config entails all you need for a very functional, fun and pretty OS. I now cringe when i need to log in windows for my job.


    This has been my main dekstop since spring and i wouldn’t want to go back for any gold in the world. Admittedly though my decision to jumpt the ship from windows was part trough the confidence enabled by how good gpt4 is in guiding me through linux issues.

    I would still vouch to start small on the gaming. I absolutely understand the desire to work on “the one” you have been cooking up in your mind. I am not any different myself but you will risk getting burned out.

    Split your ideas up in its biggest challenges.

    • navigation in 3d space
    • multiplayer function
    • procedural generation
    • reactive mechanics

    Then make a small game for each of those challenges, it doesn’t need to be good, you don’t need to publish these.

    An example for multiplayer: start with a simple 2d plain. Players, each represented by a black cube can connect and login using a host ip. They can Move along the 2d space and posses 3 inventory spots.

    Periodically an item (blue circle, green triangle) gets dropped inside the room.

    Players can pick these up and also drop them again.

    Thats your game, it doesn’t need more for now no matter how boring it seems. By succeeding you will have overcome multiple challenges, you now know how to connect to people to a game and you may have some early experience in the many bugs that can occurs when items/players get desynced. You can test stuff out and experiment safely without worrying that a bug with your faction system for example is interfering, because the faction system is something you try in another 2d, offline game.

    Eventually you’ll get a good grasp of all the challenges you face and how you can solve them. Only then would i make a proper plan for starting a game i know i will be a perfectionist about.

    Though probably the best advice of all in game development. Have fun with it, it wont be some times but you must take active care of yourself and the manageability of your project. Go a few steps back, do something else for a while to change things up. Burn out is game designs worst enemy so you do you to stay motivated.

  • While you could always try PopOS i would expect the hardware and customization to Arch to perform better. Valve needed the best gaming performance and making games tends to require a similar or slightly higher performance then what playing will require.

    For world building i can recommend obsidian as a good note taking app to connect dots and links between different files, there are some great tutorials about it. If you can afford it chatgpt plus can be mighty powerful as you can program a specific gpt for specific world building needs, a culture specialist, a character specialist, a storywritter, a dialogue and book generator,… each can hold multiple text files which it can reference from.

    I am expecting game development to change a lot the coming years thanks to AI, i have seen some early experiments of ai generated animations. Personally i would keep things basic for a start and focus purely on game play and coding. Games and ideas change as you build on them and looks are most easy to change later.

    Best of luck, stay safe, i am rooting for you!

  • A steam deck is basically an arch linux laptop. I bet there are ways you could connect it to a bigger monitor and keyboard to simulate a proper pc though part of why it performs well might be the lower res for the smaller internal display.

    There are some great free options to learn game design. Godot, blender. I am most certain its doable to build something but getting a livable wage as an indie game dev itself is a real challenge. Watch indie game the movie for reference on it. Chatgpt, even the free version can also quickly help you get up to speed to plan such kind of project. (Its also a huge autistic blessing to get an ai perspective on how your mails/messages can be interpreted and how you could interpret mails/messages from others.

    Speaking as someone who has studied game development, i hope to make my own games aswell but purely as a hobby cause id be unrealistic to believe to get an income out of it. i could never accept a job in the industry where my talent is exploited for profit so even as a portfolio it wouldn’t do.

  • Where i come from messing with schizophrenic people like that, saying things are a hallucination that are not, or acting like a hallucination is real is considered abuse/neglect. Its actually very dangerous and could significantly worsen her condition… she needs to get out but its quite possible she psychologically trapped with your brother. As sad as it may be saving her isn’t your responsibility to carry though, but if there friendly connections that could help, she may need someone more mature looking over her.

    I asked my partner for an extra opinion on your “manic episode” it doesn’t seem all that out of the ordinary. Manic episodes tend to last hours. This just Appears to be a temporary state of mind.

    What i think could more accurately explain it is that you where overloaded and exhausted by sensory experiences which can be physical experience like light and sound but also mental ones like remembering a long to do list, receiving new information. Its very common for autism.

    Different from what society seems to assume many autists are very emotional beings but we often struggle to express those feelings or to connect them with neurotypical emotions. We tend to learn automatically to exercise the self control to contain or genuine pure feelings but when we are drained those emotions leak, which can actually be a really good positive moment of reflection and selfgrowth… granted if your with good people willing to listen in kindness.

    I hope your in a better spot with better people where you are now. Being family i assume it may be hard to really get away from those people but i wish you strength in keeping their nose out of your mind.

  • Wow what the actual rollercoaster.

    As a fellow autist i am not sure if i would handle such a chain of events so well as you did.

    I actually have some context for autism-schizophrenia.

    Both medical disorders as well as adhd/add/ocd/dislexia/bipolar are all part of the neurodivergent family,

    Therefor its common for overlap between these conditions and for different medical diagnoses to be more common in a single family tree. You may have (had) a schizofrenic family member and to some your autism resembles parts of it.

    None of that matters to how your family treated you because even if you did have dillusions or psychotic feelings they are still no reason for forced therapy. These conditions, are very misunderstood and the only person that can truly know if they need help is the neurodivergent person themselves except maybe if they cause proven major harm.

  • This reads like an ad,

    I fail to see what the new technology is? Yt-dlp can do thumbnails just the same and much, much more.

    To me this looks like a non malicious version of a part of the functionality that old school YouTubers downloaders have. Paste links, select format, press download.

    Is this even Foss? I found no link to any github page.

    Rage if no foss /s

    If your the developer reading this, i do respect your work and dedication that you put in this project, but a download gui is not new technically nor a discussion about technology. Furthermore i think it would probably be way more useful and possibly even easier if you focused on making an excellent gui for yt-dlp instead. It will grant the same functionality for thumbnails but also videos, metadata, Descriptions texts, ¿comments?

  • Yup sounds look one of the good reasons to hate on capitalism. The guys able to create reliable long living stuff should be praised to the highest degree. Its why I believe job/career should not be attached to survival income. So much energy gets wasted because stuff is designed to break. So much talent is wasted because too nice things are not profitable

    I got lucky and work at the internal IT for a nonprofit, things aint brilliant either but at least its discussable stupidity and not intentional malice

  • Even if google has your data, up till now there was not much brain muscle to properly analyze it in a realistic and detailed collection of intelligent knowledge. Just some cheap tricks like daily patterns.

    An ai could potentially use the same data to learn things about you that you yourself do not. Its not our information that has changed but googles ability to harvest addition information from the data they already have.

    I don’t use google service myself but this should alarm people that do. The information they have provided is much more powerful then what was anticipated years ago.