
kde, linux, busses, open source and the good old Grateful Dead.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 16th, 2023

  • I like Endeavor. But it isn’t right for a new user.

    Here is butnone example: on most user friendly distros, connecting to share and other computers on their network is easy.

    In endeavor it is not shipped with samba. Yet the desktop environments have icons to browse the network.

    Now you and I know you simply add the smb packages you want, write a conf file and it will work.

    But a new person doesn’t know that. Or how to do that.

    And that is just one example.

  • I have found OSM data (and therefore Organic Maps) more up to date than the others, at least for roads. In the past six months for me that was three different cities, and two different countries. Small sample size, but including my city there were several places that google had not updated for years.

    As for your city to OSM integration: OSM does not take data dumps. But your city could encourage people to update the data in OSM or better still leverage OSM as a data truth and curate it, and load ArcGIS datastores from it.

    You can help using Street Complete which is a very easy to use android app that fills in the details of whereever you are at: Is this road paved? What are the business hours here? Is there street lighting? etc.

  • This experience is worse for many reasons, notably the terrible 500KB media size limit makes videos unwatchable.

    I am trying to figure out why I want videos in my chat. Just link it. It is weird that media size if limited by carrier, not mms itself. So that is a pain, where the range (again depending on carrier) is say 3 megabytes to 500KB. Artificial limitations and inconsistency is annoying.

    In any case I have Apple and Android, I have family with a mix of both as well, and I do not get all the whining. Messages work, group chats work, images work. so Meh. No big deal. Even with family in Africa, the UK, and the US.

  • I said this about 2 weeks ago. I was trying to support Phoronix and was browsing on mobile. The site was unusable. They need to get control of that. I have websites and I refuse to ever run ads. Then again, I am not in it for the money.

    On the other hand the number of websites that are using ChatGPT to create content, images, and links solely to push ads for profit is getting larger every day. It does not take any effort either. You can pay a monthly fee to have a service auto update your site and the ads are automatic too.

    I am beginning to not trust sites that run ads.

  • arglebargle@lemm.eetolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldAccurate?
    7 months ago

    Ubuntu has caused me far more headaches and downtime than Arch. Go figure.

    And to make this be a worthwhile comment: I wonder if it is because I use Arch (and derivatives) that Ubuntu causes issues. When something isn’t right, I try and fix it. In Arch I can. In Ubuntu it seems like a dozen paper cuts to get there and it may not work in the long run anyway. Oh the Snap doesnt have foo compiled in? No problem I can add it to the snap directory. No, that didnt work. Ok I will remove it and bring in a .deb file. Dependencies not met. Fine, I will compile it from source… and by that time I have wasted a TON of time.

  • arglebargle@lemm.eetoLinux@lemmy.mlMicro***t Word on Linux and alternatives
    7 months ago

    Really trying to understand what “meh” means in terms of office software.

    They all are kinda meh. I dont get overly excited with office stuff do you?

    Over the years I have used both Libre and ms office. Some use cases were so much better with Libre. Now days it’s kind of a wash really. You write words or you calculate cells. If you are calculating any large amount of cells do your self a favor and get it into a database.

    And if it’s a presentation, reveal.js is miles better than PowerPoint.

  • arglebargle@lemm.eetoLinux@lemmy.mlBased KDE 🗿
    7 months ago

    I think you mean different. I find the bouncing very normal after all these years. The spinning wheel and hourglass is there but they are used to indicate system waits, rather than launches.

    Of course you can shut the bouncing launch off if you dont like it.