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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • The US doesn’t have a great track record of “not supporting distopian regimes”. They’ve either installed leaders with a dictatorial bent when the elected government wasn’t doing what they wanted, or just supported their puppet in the area even though they did horrific things. Generally they think “the end justifies the means”.

    Apart from WW2, I can’t think of any major foreign operation that Americans were involved with that hasn’t blown up in their face sooner or later.

  • Already happened once.

    The League of Nations was the previous try, and it’s failure to stop WW2 sealed it’s fate. A lot of it’s functions were transferred into the UN after the war, but really the victors of WW2 positioned themselves in positions of power in the new organisation. Hence the “Permanent members of the security council”. To be fair, the victors of WW1 had done the same thing when the LoN was formed. The difference was that this time it included the USSR, which Russia inherited it’s position from. That inheritance is now biting us in the butt, as Putin wants to forcibly reconstruct the USSR.

    Why anybody thought a voting system, around which military actions are justifiable, was going to work is beyond me. Especially when you give 5 countries veto powers in perpetuity. The charter of the UN is to prevent world wars, and it’s structure makes it completely ineffectual when a superpower wants to go to war.

    I have a feeling Ukraine and Palestine will become the UNs failure. One permanent member of the security council deeply involved in each conflict vetoing anything against their interests. The UN should be in both zones, but is powerless.