
  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • The Jews have lost the plot and what’s worse is that on a very, very visceral level you can’t discuss it rationally with them.

    “It’s us or them”.

    “They want to wipe us out”

    “Remember the Holocaust”

    What’s horrible is I think most normal people understand that perspective and to some extent we get the deep seeded concern and driver to their actions.

    They are punishing a people because of the actions of a few which is bad enough as it is but those people have also been caged for so long with no adequate leadership or organization to do anything about, well, anything.

    I’m saying this as a non-Jew with 3 half-Jewish kids. I love the people… But as a nation they need to reflect on themselves not just on recent actions but historically.

    I’m going to go to my grave on this, but what has happened to them was horrible and on par with numerous atrocities over the world. Indigenous people were wiped out. Africa was raped and put into bondage for centuries. But what you have in Israel is different.

    I think at it’s core they continue to not be over The Holocaust. Hurt people hurt people.

    Nothing is going to change until the state of Israel changes their approach. Or they can hide behind American hegemony and continue making the ME less safe for them.

    Sorry on the rant. It’s frustrating. I’m miles away in Canada but anti-Semitism is on the rise everywhere and this bullshit behaviour by a shitstain leader is making things less safe for the people I know.