How’s it going comrades? How’s the workouts going?

Sorry I haven’t posted in a bit. Job searching has me pretty stressed but I’m gonna try and not let that keep us from having the weekly thread moving forward I finally managed to get motivated and lift some this week.

  • DankZedong @lemmygrad.mlM
    1 year ago

    Did okay. I did a workout, went running last week and took some time off to get rest. I worked too much last year and I had extra days off that had to be taken this week, so I was sort of forced to take a week paid leave lol, so I will work out some more this week.

    I´m starting to look for a more physical job as the more I think about what kind of work I do, the more I come to the conclusion that I may want to have a more active job. Sitting in an office all day is not fun anymore. I´ve worked as a carpenter and in a steel mill before and I am feeling nostalgic about working a heavy job. If I do manage to make a switch, it would be interesting to see if I can combine training with a heavy job, or if the job itself is enough. It´s either that or keep working an office job until I can build my own homestead.

    • 201dberg@lemmygrad.mlOP
      1 year ago

      I dream of building my own place. Have a general plans idea and everything. Nothing huge or extravagant but just kind of covy and quaint. But I feel it’s a pipe dream and I’ll never be able to afford it. But maybe.

      I would love to be more involved with my work physically but I’m also worried about destroying my body and then having tons of medical issues later on and we all know how this country views taking care of the old. Not to defer you from pursuing your dreams though. I love woodworking only I’m not skilled enough to do it for a profession. If I could though I totally… Wood.