They see like this all the time.

  • 62 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: December 2nd, 2021


  • Plastic may actually be driving us all crazy. Given that there has been some studies linking microplastics and other chemicals from plastics that can cause or be a factor in some mental health issues. I wouldn’t be surprised if they played a bigger factor than what’s reported anyway. I mean ffs the seed oil industry lied to us for decades about the safety of their highly processed, rancid oils and even now when you try and talk about it everyone thinks you’re crazy. Don’t forget the sugar industry and also the fake sugar industry, arguably worse. Also leaded gasoline, where it took literal decades of fighting to finally force the petroleum industry to stop putting literal neurotoxins in gasoline, and is still a thing in some countries… All it takes to get a potentially poisonous food (or other) item approved and promoted by the FDA, American Heart Association, etc, is a nice fat donation. The buyout of US regulatory bodies isn’t something recent. They have been doing it for years.

    As far as plastics go… they already have being lying about recycling. What is it’s like, 80% of recycled plastics can’t actually be recycled? Something about it was all a lie to make people ok with how much trash they were producing? Because otherwise people were starting to freak out because they had never had so much trash before… lol Now that the cats out of the bag though it’s all been normalized so so no one gives a shit.

  • Basically anything that super processed or refined like sugars, carbs, and especially cooking oils. I feel so much better after cutting that stuff out. I already do low carb due to family history of diabetes but after I read up on how messed up the cooking oil industry is, and how these cooking oils are so extremely refined, I cut those out too. Made a world of difference. I primarily only use cold pressed oil now like coconut, olive, palm, and avacado. When I have carbs it’s primarily from fresh vegetables and occasionally fruits. Basically most of what I eat are things that haven’t undergone a lot of processing and I make a lot of stuff myself. Like the biggest difference between the diets of old humans vs modern, when you look at the global history of diets, is how precessed the food was. Some cultures ate tons of carbs through farming tubers, some eat almost entirely meat and animal products, and tons of cultures that eat a huge mix of everything in-between, and most all of them were healthier than we are now (from a diet health standpoint).

    The one big difference that sticks out is we eat a bunch of shit now that we can’t normally get without a ton of crazy processing. Like shit we mine out of a certain rock hundreds of feet below the earth, or something we get through multiple extractions from a plants that then fermented into a sugar substitute after it’s then chlorinated. Or shit like cottonseed and rapeseed oil which comes out of an otherwise inedible seed they have to heat at high temps repeatedly while pressing out the oil, then mix and filter with petroleum solvents to create an oil that doesn’t smell like rancid dogshit. It’s all this processing and crazy shit we do to foods now.

  • So they are going to now crank up the prices in the already overpriced diamond industry claiming is because of this aren’t they?

    I hope it backfires and Russia just start selling shit loads of diamonds through other sources that aren’t part of the global diamond monopoly and it it throws the whole thing for a loop. We will have people screaming about not buying lower prices diamonds because they are Russian diamonds and shit.

    I also love how they specifically stated it’s for non-industrial diamonds. So basically they are saying “this all a show and the only ones impacted will be civilian buyers of diamonds. We would never do anything to negatively impact real industries.”

  • I have this issue where I will get super antsy by the end of my shift and just HAVE to hop off my PC, I work from home, and literally the SECOND I walk away and am free… I just crash and I’m laying on the floor in my office and loose all motivation. Like it’s mentally exhausting and when I’m free my mind just wants to not think or do anything. Some days I just zone out and stair at the ceiling for a while. Or turn on a TV show I have seen a half dozen times just to have something mind jumping to act as background. My body will have energy, but my mind loses all drive to focus on anything. I think stress is a big factor but I have just been stuck in this rut. I recently started physical therapy for my back and hip that’s been messed up for months now. I spend 2 hours a night there 2-3 nights a week and on off night I always plan to do some of the stretches at home but then I just… Don’t.

  • Yeah, that’s why I think they want to wrap things up as fast as possible. So they can take what’s left of Palestine, fortify Israel, and then divert and move on the Venezuela thing. Israel is important to them but it’s also on the other side of the planet. Venezuela is closer to home and is actively threatening a fossil fuel companies profits. IMO we can only hope they get tied up over there for longer than what is sustainable.

    They are basically showing their hand right now and that hand is, “the empire can’t support more than one conflict at a time now.” They tried keeping up both Ukraine and Israel and then almost immediately dropped Ukraine when they realized they can’t do both. Now the Venezuela things popped up and they are stuck in Israel. They don’t HAVE to be stuck there, but I guess they really want to finish off that Genocide since it’s on everyone’s radar. If other countries have been waiting to push back, now might just be the perfect time, but then I’m not a geopolitical expert. It could also just cause ol Joe to nuke the planet.