I got it as a birthday gift from my brother. I didn’t find it that scary, but I enjoyed it nonetheless

  • cfgaussian@lemmygrad.ml
    7 months ago

    Did you play the original or was this your first Dead Space game? At the time when it came out the original game was scary af. At least for someone of my age back then. It had a lot to do with the unusual lateral camera position, i think that’s what scared me the most. The second game was good too but not as scary. Maybe because by then i had gotten used to the genre. I would still recommend it to anyone who liked the first one.

    • Yiazmat@lemmygrad.ml
      7 months ago

      yea the original game was scary as shit back in 2008. I played the remake earlier this year and while I like the new side quests and quality of life stuff they added, a lot of the things that were novel back then are pretty played out in 2023 so it wasn’t nearly as scary. Motive still did a good job remaking a beloved game though.

      • cfgaussian@lemmygrad.ml
        7 months ago

        I’ve always thought (and still do) that making remakes is just developers being too lazy and unoriginal to make something new and going with a safe bet instead, but i guess the good thing about these remakes is it gets people into playing older games that they otherwise would not have picked up. One thing they can’t do though is recreate the impact these games had at the time. We weren’t as used to this kind of game as we are now so they just hit harder then.

        Or maybe i’m just old and jaded…

        • LarkinDePark@lemmygrad.ml
          7 months ago

          I agree but I’m still happy to get a remake and play it again! No the kids will never be able to appreciate it properly. Same for for older music for most of us. We can never understand the impact of the Beatles for example. It is what it is.

        • Addfwyn@lemmygrad.ml
          7 months ago

          I have mixed opinions about remakes still. I think sometimes they are done really well and show a lot of care and effort. Biohazard 4 remake is very well regarded for good reason. I think the Dead Space devs did a LOT of work, especially their audio teams. Recording two entire audio tracks for the entire game (based on how injured you are) is no small feat. I think FF7 Remake is actually better than the original, though some diehards would crucify me over that. Those are all more remakes than straight up remasters though.

          It’s when we start to stray into lazy remaster territory that I am less enthused, unless it just makes a game more readily available. Did TLoU2 need a remaster? Not really, no. FFVI remaster, at least it was a game that was hard to get in a good form.

          I do agree that sometimes the impact doesn’t hit the same way, but I am not sure if much can be done about that. Some of that is just a reflection of what the industry was like at the time, and the way people played games at that point.