• 24 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: September 25th, 2022


  • When I read the OP tweet saying that the US is ‘preparing to go to war’ my first thought was that it was preparing to go to war, as it did in Iraq and a host of other places. Not a joint operation with a broad coalition of forces. An invasion. Because that’s usually what it means when we hear the US is preparing for war.

    I don’t know what to say about this. I read it as a figure of speech. Something the other guy is claiming as his defense now. I think it’s a weird reading to think this in any way meant an “invasion”. The trading of military projectiles is all I thought about.

    Coming at this with relatively little knowledge, I was curious, so it didn’t come across as screeching or sneering. Characterising that sentence as such

    Please don’t attempt this conflation. I characterised their angry response as a whole a “screeching”. I characterised this sentence as “sneering”, please don’t misrepresent me.

    ‘this is all in your mind’, ‘crybullying’, ‘panicky attempt’, ‘scarecrow’. This is not the way of a good faith discussion,

    This is all in response to OP’s raging defense of America’s brutality in the region. Specifically its aggression towards the only material state defense against its genocide.

    not to mention the ableism.

    Excuse me? It sounds like you’re attempting to dishonestly gain some kind of moralistic, liberal upper hand by accusing me of this. Please explain yourself. Where is this ableism? Now this is not the way of a good faith discussion.

    ComradeSalad appears to have identified ‘misinformation and ragebait’

    I disagree. They’ve enacted a completely over the top histrionic defence of the USA’s actions here and decided to uncharitably take issue with a simple tweet as a literal, legal statement of fact.

    and there is a big difference between that and impliedly supporting the US.

    Then you can insert your own explanation for his extreme emotional reaction?

    I for one am glad of it, so that I don’t repeat falsehoods. There’s enough to criticise the US about, as you noted in another comment above, without sensationalism.

    Agreed. Now you better back up your allegations against me making ableist comments. Since we’re taking everything extremely literally here, as if this is a court of law. I take your accusation very seriously.

  • So there’s “beliefs” and “true beliefs”. Yet only one of these has real world consequences. It’s cold comfort to the millions killed around the world that the perpetrators don’t truly believe in what they’re doing.

    Yes we just never stop explaining, but while our message goes unheeded and unlearned, we must do what we can to protect the victims and condemn the oppressors.

    These people have the capacity of free will. They are not shambling automatons waiting for new programming with no autonomy or responsibility. You can choose to characterise the worst atrocities you can think of at people just not having enough information or being manipulated. That does not exonerate them.

  • I’m just giving context, there’s no need to be passive aggressive or hostile.

    Oh come on. There’s no need to be dishonest. I’m responding in kind to your screeching tone.

    “deliberately untrue.”… “The operation is titled Operation Prosperity Guardian if anyone is curious.

    This is reddit quality sneering commentary. You seem to be triggered simply by the bald fact that this is an entirely American led operation in response to another American led atrocity.

    The way they describe it in the Tweet harkens images of the Invasion of Iraq, Vietnam, Somalia, or countless other bloody conflicts in which millions died at the hands of combined offensives.

    This is all in your mind. This is purely your inference. I see nothing to support this.

    Not the UN dispatching 4 destroyers to escort merchant ships

    These innocent escort ships are called “destroyers”.

    This is needless sensationalism and looks like crying wolf.

    Your apologia seems like needless trivialising and crybullying to me.

    What “actions”?

    The attempted neutering of the only real response we’ve seen to the US/Israel genocide.

    You make it sound as if the US is using the UN as pretext to annex Yemen, which if that was the case, do you think

    Your panicky attempt to put words in my mouth and defend your scarecrow won’t work here.

    Do you think China would allow the US to use the naval assets they requisitioned for this operation, and are currently under the command of a US Navy officer, to aggressively strike the Houthis?

    So it’s under the command of a US Navy officer now, and not just some humdrum, run of the mill UN operation that’s just going through the motions?

  • The only declaration from the US about Yemen thus far been that UN naval assets will be mobilized to closely escort shipping

    This escort is required to deal with the response to the US sanctioned genocide, right?

    This was decided upon at the UN Security Council

    So the US is using the UN to give credence to its actions. Okay. What part specifically do you take issue with here? The “war” designation?