“Sure, building the world’s largest economy and eliminating poverty looks nice and all, but have you considered that we Bakuninites have managed to keep a subreddit going for FOUR WHOLE YEARS?”

  • lemat_87@lemmygrad.ml
    7 months ago

    Good job kiddies! I wonder how in an economy run by anarchists, the extremely complicated process of computer manufacturing would be performed 🤔 possibly, without technical norms “enforced” by a state?

    • DamarcusArt@lemmygrad.ml
      7 months ago

      smh, you tankies always overcomplicate things, it’ll go like this:

      “Oh hey, I have this big pile of silicon I mined out of the ground because I love mining silicon so much.”

      “Oh that’s great! Let me just put it in my processing plant I whipped up last week because I like to build mineral processing plants as a hobby.”

      “I can’t help put notice you just processed that silicon to be ready for manufacturing for computer chips, what a coincidence, I had a bunch of gold and rare earth elements just sitting around that would be great for that!”

      “Oh wow, you guys have a bunch of stuff ready to make computer chips, that’s great, I just built a computer chip manufactory and I’m keen to test it out.”

      “I couldn’t help but overhear, I’m a wandering nanochip specialist and was wondering if you’d like me to upgrade your manufacturing lines so you can produce thinner chips, I’m able to go down to 5 nm no problem!”

      “Hey, what’s everyone gathered around for? Oh, you’re making computer chips? That’s great news, I just built a bunch of computer cases for fun and was hoping someone would make chips I could put in them.”

      “Hey everybody, I finally finished knocking up that hydroelectric plant that I was talking about last week. Seems like great timing, since we’ll need electricity for all those computers we can now build!”

      “Everyone! Horrible news, the warlord from the next commune over is invading!”

      “What? Doesn’t he know that would make things worse for everyone?”

      “He says he needs more slaves, he just won’t listen to reason!”

      “We’ll have to gather together a horizontally organised defense force!”

      “No, that sounds too authoritarian, we should try and explain to the raiders that what they are doing is morally wrong.”

      “Yeah, that sounds best. We should go talk to them right now!”

      Then they all died. The end.

      • lemat_87@lemmygrad.ml
        7 months ago

        You made me laugh 😂 But as it sounds absurd, in reality could be even worse. How short-sighted are these people. But I see such utopian dreams also in some part of the western left, e.g. in the solarpunk movement (or just estetics?).

        • DamarcusArt@lemmygrad.ml
          7 months ago

          For a lot of the western “left” it is just aesthetics. There’s no real rush to try and fix things if you’re a comfortable “middle class” person in the west, at least for now. So leftism is a hat they put on to seem cool or interesting, and not actually because they desire societal change. faux leftists are probably the vast majority of “left leaning” people in the west, but as conditions worsen they will become rarer and rarer as complaining about problems becomes less appealing and practical solutions are sought out instead.

          • Beat_da_Rich@lemmygrad.ml
            7 months ago

            The “non-authoritarian” left is just a phase for most people. Like we’re seeing with Palestine, when challenged by a major mask-off moment from the empire, people who identify this way will either retreat back into liberal fascism/complacency or will seek out education to help then break through.

          • lemat_87@lemmygrad.ml
            7 months ago

            There’s no real rush to try and fix things if you’re a comfortable “middle class” person in the west, at least for now

            Sadly true, I experience that when I am trying to “indoctrinate” my workmates 😮‍💨

        • DamarcusArt@lemmygrad.ml
          6 months ago

          From what I understand, we don’t. Communism is achieved once humanity is past the point of needing a state, the state withers away as it becomes redundant. What form this will actually take, I don’t know, nations could still end up having defense forces, just ones that aren’t the military wing of the state. I don’t see the point in wondering about “full communism” because it’s something that we won’t even be close to achieving for our lifetimes, probably for centuries. I’m more interested in organising a socialist state than can withstand capitalist aggression. A society living in the future where there is no capitalism will have very different needs to our own AES and potential AES.

    • JucheBot1988@lemmygrad.mlOP
      7 months ago

      I’m pretty sure they do.

      Also, they have a pretty low inventory of historical wins, so they have to take what they can get.