• 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 15th, 2022

  • From what I understand, we don’t. Communism is achieved once humanity is past the point of needing a state, the state withers away as it becomes redundant. What form this will actually take, I don’t know, nations could still end up having defense forces, just ones that aren’t the military wing of the state. I don’t see the point in wondering about “full communism” because it’s something that we won’t even be close to achieving for our lifetimes, probably for centuries. I’m more interested in organising a socialist state than can withstand capitalist aggression. A society living in the future where there is no capitalism will have very different needs to our own AES and potential AES.

  • I’d say both twitter patsocs and twitter maoists are psyops designed to funnel people away from actually understanding leftist theory. Both groups fundmentally and wilfully misinterpret socialist ideas to push their own personal ideas, which emphasise adventurism and very rigid adherence to a philosophical position. Neither group are truly a threat to capital and waste their time arguing on the internet instead of organising.

    Though Patsocs are 100% an op, I just suspect twitter maoists are one, I don’t have any proof.

  • The Maoists long predate the Hazites though. “Patsocs” as a movement haven’t been around for very long at all, but there’s a long tradition of western leftists adopting idealistic ultra tendencies. I think both groups do have a lot in common. Anyone so terminally online that they think twitter arguments are a good use of their time is probably pretty out of touch with reality and so prefers idealistic solutions to problems.

  • I have heard the opposite with then environment, they’re well known for taking bribes from corpos who mine the areas they control. They’re obviously not going to mention this in their own documentaries about themselves.

    From what I’ve heard, they are generally what gives communism in the Philippines a bad name. They’re seen as harassing people in remote villages, making them a part of the “revolution” whether they want to or not. Like most Maoist groups, they don’t seem to respect the people’s right to neutrality. They also spend a lot of their time on PR for random westerners on the internet, a lot of blogs and stuff advertising how well their latest raid of a military convoy went. They feel very…I don’t know if LARPy is quite the right word, because they are out there actually doing things, but they seem very focused on adventurism and “being the heroes” rather than organizing the people. This is all second hand knowledge, and my mates could be wrong about them, but they have gotten into some pretty damn heated discussions about the uselessness of the CPP with terminally online western Maoists who seem to think that they’re seconds away from liberating the entire country, when they aren’t. They’re a tiny group hiding out in the mountains, that only continue to exist because the government doesn’t view them as a big enough threat to actually bother stamping them out.

    One of the biggest reasons I dislike Maoism is because I’ve seen far too many Maoists accept everything their PR department says at face value, and rejects the actual opinion of the people of the Philippines. Communism is a people’s movement, and if a communist movement loses the support of the people, they can’t ever hope to win, no matter how “universal” their PPW is.

  • For a lot of the western “left” it is just aesthetics. There’s no real rush to try and fix things if you’re a comfortable “middle class” person in the west, at least for now. So leftism is a hat they put on to seem cool or interesting, and not actually because they desire societal change. faux leftists are probably the vast majority of “left leaning” people in the west, but as conditions worsen they will become rarer and rarer as complaining about problems becomes less appealing and practical solutions are sought out instead.