• 70 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023


  • I’m not trusting just my own personal experience, this is the reality in areas outside of the West Bank.
    You’re just not interested in anything different from what you believe.

    You’re ridiculing my answers and clearly you aren’t interested in any answer that is not according to what you believe happens in Israel.
    And considering you don’t care that much about accuracy and about omitting parts of what people say or about what’s happening, or about context, it’s not suprising you view things the way you do and believe I’m downplaying things or lying.

  • He said that Palestinians should be transferred to the Palestinian camps in Lebanon first. Before Gaza is flattened.

    An article in Hebrew
    Specifically this part:

    “אחרי 7 באוקטובר אני חושב שמה שצריך להיות עכשיו ברצועה זה במקום לקרוא להם ללכת דרומה, לקרוא להם ללכת לחופים, ספינות חיל הים שמות אותם בחופי לבנון, יש שם מספיק מחנות פליטים, ולשים רצועת ביטחון מהים עד הגדר, ריקה לחלוטין, למען יזכרו כולם את כל מה שהיה שם. לשטח הכול בדיוק כמו שיש היום באושוויץ”, טען בפתח הראיון.

    Still a terrible comparison, but very different.

  • I think you tried to downplay their numbers…

    Those are 2 seperate things you are talking about.
    Like the quote, I was talking about the kids who spoke badly towards the holocaust survivor. And they are a minority.
    In the previous reply you wrote as if I said there are just a “couple few” survivors who aren’t getting help / enough help from the government. Which I didn’t.

    Clearly you have a certain view of Israel.
    But trying to generalize and paint Israelis as terrible people won’t help those holocaust survivors or help solve any issue related to the country.

    There are so many Israelis working very hard to change and improve things that barely get any mention anywhere, despite their success and while not having the backing of millionaires and billionaires.
    The more support these people get, the easier it will be to enact change.
    And even if you don’t apply it to Israel, at least think about it in relation to other countries.
    Like how the protest organizations in Israel collaborated with the ones in Poland since they faced similar challenges and situations.

  • I’m quite familiar with the subject, but I watched anyway.

    What one of the survivors talked about is terrible, but those kids are a minority and if I knew where this was I could guess which group they’re from.

    Rising living costs is part of the reason some of the survivors had to resort to these things, as the money wasn’t enough anymore.
    Not the case of those in the video, who weren’t getting money at all and seems like it was for the reasons I’ve written about above.

    I’m so familiar with this because I’m Israeli and my grandparents were holocaust survivors. Part of the reason I’ve volunteered in the past to help survivors like the ones in the video.

  • Mistreated by whom? People in Israel highly respect holocaust survivors.

    It’s true that for some of them it’s not enough, especially with the rising costs of living in Israel, that’s definitely an issue which is raised almost every election.

    But this is not an issue of “dropping rights”.
    This is part of, some corrupt / some just capitalist, policies under Bibi’s governments.
    Cutting down budgets for some government offices, while increasing them for some other made up offices for political reasons, cutting down on social services for everyone and directing funds to ultra-orthodox organizations as a part of political agreements, for example.

    This corruption is part of the reason there were mass protests in Israel since the current government was elected.
    And why more than half of Israel opposes Bibi and his “bloc”.

  • Might want to give Glove80 a look. And since it sounds like you prefer light switches like me, there’s a version with pro red switches (35g).
    Maybe also hop in to MoErgo’s Discord and get some ideas there.

    I started with a Ferris Sweep (34 keys), and while I loved a lot of things about it, those weren’t enough keys for me, I had to compromise too much + I realized a wireless split would be much more comfortable to me than a wired one.
    Although I like having the option to use it wired.

  • There are plenty of holocaust survivors in Israel from death camps and concentration camps, many who reached in ships as “Maapilim”.
    They are highly respected, evident by all the events around them every year on remembrance day for the holocaust, school trips to “Yad Vashem”. Sometimes holocaust survivors are also invited to schools and workplaces to tell their stories, or people go to their houses to listen to them. There are also a lot of civil organisations around helping holocaust survivors.
    The ones in poverty are mostly ones who came later on in the 1990’s from former Soviet Union, and usually didn’t or couldn’t contact authorities or know about what they deserve because of the language barrier - As many of them only speak Russian.
    It’s incredibly unfortunate, and almost all Israeli Jews see supporting them and helping them as important.

    From the PBS article you linked:

    The Center of Organizations of Holocaust Survivors in Israel, an umbrella group representing 50 organizations that assist Holocaust survivors

    Many of the most destitute immigrated to Israel in the 1990s from the former Soviet Union after its dissolution. They arrived with little means, had difficulty learning a new language late in life and many struggled to establish social networks.

    She said there’s broad public support for survivors but the government needs to provide more assistance.

    Holocaust remembrance remains a cornerstone of Israeli identity. A large percentage of the country is made up of survivors and generations of their descendants. The country marks its own Holocaust Remembrance Day each spring.

    I’ve never heard of any Israeli Jew calling them “soap”. That’s insane and would cause outrage by anyone who hears that.
    They didn’t face any discriminiation, since they were part of the people who founded Israel. Holocaust survivors helped build Israel and fought in its wars.

    Mizrahi isn’t even a language and Ladino speakers are mostly not holocaust survivors.